I really enjoyed myself over there, though there were times when I tried to "la sai" lol. It's the first time I see bi angry okay.. lol. Pattern more than badminton! hahas, and I learned a new command from "san yi". LOL!! so funny!!.. Pictures are up, this time round in bi's album cus we're using his camera throughout the whole journey cus mine was of a lower quality..so yea. Hahaas.. I've missed out on quite a number of places, I hope I get to go there soon, this time round maybe I'll go for a week! hahaha, cus 5 days is really too little for us.
I miss the "cong yiu bing","qi li xiang",the family mart and the 7-11 and the ramen shop, and the "di gua qiu"..so many!! hahas..oh mann..

I've finally went on a vacation before the end of 2010. (:
I'll always remember the nonsense, laughters and fun thrills we had over in Taiwan.. (:
Bibi chen, wo ai ni. (:

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