after thinking hard and long i've decided on BIT..den only the letter fer accounting frm college east came to much fer thinkin so hard man..
when i've finally decided on choosin BIT..i got accounting..i hope it dun turn out dat bad eventually...i hope i can still change course when i get into poly.._Hospitality_
ya i'm still thinkin of being an air-stewardess..yupp no doubts bout tt..who noes..maybe im gonna be an accountant! lol..okay i've to start plannin bout my future and shit..its like i refuse to grow up all of a sudden..ya i've got no savings,no goals..blah blah blah...we r getting older day by day..hitting the BIG "2" next yr dec 20..wah..dat's fast mann...I REFUSE 2 GROW UP!!! lol..this means dat i can no longer take my pocket money frm mum cus im big enuff to earn my growin up so
hadnt been bloggin lately cus i was darn lazie..= p
watch dvd wif da at my place ytd..i forgot e title of the show alr..i nearly cried at the endin luckily dar didnt turn to luk at ya..= p shhhh...but he was darn bad..he was luffin at my spasm cant help but agree wif him..she's kinda weirdo though..which i had come to terms with..= p but my sis can be a gr8 actress so worries =x
left my place bout 7 plus 8 cus meeting josh and jh supposedly to make the payments fer the trip..burd josh last min had dinner wif his boss and he doesnt had the money to pay yet..luckily we onli need to pay half upfront ya nt dat bad..i am so EXCITED!!!!!! gg genting lyk next week!!!!!!! WOOHOOOO!!!!!!!! = )))))) gotta start packin lol!!! counting dwn the days to MONDAY!! 3rd MARCH 2006!!! i'll definately upload alot of piics no doubt bout dat!!! im gonna ask dar to upload it fer feel so EXCITED even talkin bout it..its so cool gg to genting wif frens and my BF! = )) tis RAWKS MAN!!!!!! YEA! = ) im jus so soso sosososososos HAPPIIE!! damm excited!!! hahahas..okok..
cant wait to reach genting..dar is suppose to wear his singlet and boxers out into the cold at genting eating ice cream! lol =p cant wait to snap dat dwn MANNN!! jus so EXCITED..i beta keep my calm or else ppl might tink im crazy..but...WHO CARES MAN!!! LOL
IM GOING GENTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! excited!!!! = ) its lyk a dream come true silent wish was was dar who made all these happen..I LOVE YOU SWEETIE..= )
he's jus sooooooooo SWEET 2 me = )
loving u mre each dae = ) _daryl_
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
just felt different at drifting away frm my group of frens it felt lyk felt like the past few mths way back when ii was lyk a loner at werk..yes i felt it agaiin last niite..fcuk dat feeling..i felt lyk shit ytd cus all the ppl dat i knew wasnt werkin and i was werkin wif new peeps..ok its nt as if i hate dem or smth..its jus aint my click and i jus cant well enjoy myself at werk?..
only kel was workin last in someone i talk to at work..ya..
he dropped one of the cupboard erm.hw shall i out tis..wads it called aniway?.,.oh well....jus cupboard cover..ya e whole ting came off..i luff lyk madd...i luffed even when i was serving customer..yes..den it was bck to work..tons and tons of orders...never ending..but it soon died dwn when it was arnd 9plus..time fer closing! = )
rainbow helped to do part of the inventory so all i had to do was to do the conclusion..which didnt took me long...i guess? = p
i beta get ready fer late once agaiin..
tell ya a secret..
IAGM..go figure dat out and tag ur answer..=x
only kel was workin last in someone i talk to at work..ya..
he dropped one of the cupboard erm.hw shall i out tis..wads it called aniway?.,.oh well....jus cupboard cover..ya e whole ting came off..i luff lyk madd...i luffed even when i was serving customer..yes..den it was bck to work..tons and tons of orders...never ending..but it soon died dwn when it was arnd 9plus..time fer closing! = )
rainbow helped to do part of the inventory so all i had to do was to do the conclusion..which didnt took me long...i guess? = p
i beta get ready fer late once agaiin..
tell ya a secret..
IAGM..go figure dat out and tag ur answer..=x
Monday, March 27, 2006
short post
knocked off kinda late ytd and poor dar hab to wait fer me..fer lyk half an hr..i took quite long to get changed too = p hahas..sorrie dar..we headed directly to suntec dere after..headed to sky garden..a new cosy area i found..= ) but scenery wise....i wud sae national library wud be nicer..yea...suppose to meet dar and josh @ safra at 1.30pm..doubt i cud reach dere on time at the rate im goin now..its lyk 1.11pm and im still hoggin on dad's laptop..and definately late..= p ohya..had carls' junior too! hmmmm..nt bad..the chicken is my burger to dar's his was extremely BIG!! lol...and he had alot of difficulty consumin it..hahas..we took bus 10 back and ya..nt much scenery cud be seen..
i beta go get ready..= p im dead!
i beta go get ready..= p im dead!
a Steady Supporter
Stand by your man — that's just something you naturally do. Once you've committed to a relationship, you are a constant companion who enjoys the comfort and stability that comes from being a couple. Not quick to judge, accuse, or think the worst, you have a lot of trust (in him and in yourself), and you rarely worry about where he is or who he's with.For you, mutual respect is of utmost importance. You are comfortable and confident in your own skin, making you a great pillar of strength in all your relationships. Whether he's striving to climb a mountain or land a promotion, you have his back. Best part is, you know he's got yours too.
Stand by your man — that's just something you naturally do. Once you've committed to a relationship, you are a constant companion who enjoys the comfort and stability that comes from being a couple. Not quick to judge, accuse, or think the worst, you have a lot of trust (in him and in yourself), and you rarely worry about where he is or who he's with.For you, mutual respect is of utmost importance. You are comfortable and confident in your own skin, making you a great pillar of strength in all your relationships. Whether he's striving to climb a mountain or land a promotion, you have his back. Best part is, you know he's got yours too.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
when im wiif u...
met up wiif dear jus nw...= ) him siitin at e void deck waitg fer me to get hm..
i feel bad though..cus he chiong all the way dwn missing part of soccer just to meet me while i was still in my shop..= ( sorrie dear..he bought me twix! = p hehe. my fav! we jus chit chat all e way as per usual..and beiing flicked..fer lookin at the direction he was pointing..argh! after so mani daes i still get fooled by the same triick! lol! humph!!..i felt so nt gf material..i see his ex..dey wrote letters to him..hmm,,neba asked him bout the contents though..i neva reali tried writin a letter when my ex broke off wif me..ya..onli dat letter..hahas..nw dat i recall..
talked bout our past relations..ya..and i guess i shudnt had..cus i can see he was rather stressed by it or someway or anthr..feelin uncomfortable..well..ya 4 yrs..dat was hw long my past relation lasted..i one who falls in love deeply easily..tts my vulnerable point..maybe cus i dun hab much expectations frm my bf..jus as long as i feel comfortable,both of us enjoyiin each othrs compnay..i guess dats all i need..i dunno a gurl wo gets jealous easily and im tryin to take tiings slow too..i feel kinda stress hearin bout his past..cus all his ex did sweet little stuff..and dey sound smart to me..while im someone who is lousy in sch werk and am gg into ITE..
dear's real diffierent..i love his bear hug..hahas..(dats hw i call it) it jus made me feel so assured and wad bout my 4 yrs relationship..even simple tings lyk sendin me hm was smth new to me and dar..and i enjoyed it = )
i love you = )
i feel bad though..cus he chiong all the way dwn missing part of soccer just to meet me while i was still in my shop..= ( sorrie dear..he bought me twix! = p hehe. my fav! we jus chit chat all e way as per usual..and beiing flicked..fer lookin at the direction he was pointing..argh! after so mani daes i still get fooled by the same triick! lol! humph!!..i felt so nt gf material..i see his ex..dey wrote letters to him..hmm,,neba asked him bout the contents though..i neva reali tried writin a letter when my ex broke off wif me..ya..onli dat letter..hahas..nw dat i recall..
talked bout our past relations..ya..and i guess i shudnt had..cus i can see he was rather stressed by it or someway or anthr..feelin uncomfortable..well..ya 4 yrs..dat was hw long my past relation lasted..i one who falls in love deeply easily..tts my vulnerable point..maybe cus i dun hab much expectations frm my bf..jus as long as i feel comfortable,both of us enjoyiin each othrs compnay..i guess dats all i need..i dunno a gurl wo gets jealous easily and im tryin to take tiings slow too..i feel kinda stress hearin bout his past..cus all his ex did sweet little stuff..and dey sound smart to me..while im someone who is lousy in sch werk and am gg into ITE..
dear's real diffierent..i love his bear hug..hahas..(dats hw i call it) it jus made me feel so assured and wad bout my 4 yrs relationship..even simple tings lyk sendin me hm was smth new to me and dar..and i enjoyed it = )
i love you = )
Friday, March 24, 2006
here i am once agaiin = ))
im back..yea..back to blog bout muah life..
so busie wif all the werk..damm..damm tiriing..ya..but da nevers fails to brighten my day/night = p
hehe..he's a real sweetie..meetin me at my block everiniite..even if it takes him to chiong dwn frm whereever he was..yea..he's e sweetest ever! so mani tiings to blog abt..but my miind is totali outta serviice..aint tinkin much alr..basically..i'm happily ever after..= )
we belong together-
= ) DJ style-
so busie wif all the werk..damm..damm tiriing..ya..but da nevers fails to brighten my day/night = p
hehe..he's a real sweetie..meetin me at my block everiniite..even if it takes him to chiong dwn frm whereever he was..yea..he's e sweetest ever! so mani tiings to blog abt..but my miind is totali outta serviice..aint tinkin much alr..basically..i'm happily ever after..= )
we belong together-
= ) DJ style-
Saturday, March 11, 2006
jumble up dates..

i've forgotten if it was counted as ytd or the dae before alr..hahas..
met up wif sh & yl fer the coffeeshop near my place was lyk so last miin decision but we still met up..yea..yl and me had chicken chop..omg in the middle if the nite..habin such fillin stuff..anthr 5kg had half chick and rice and fries..hahas..dat's alot man =x
its been a long time siince we gals hanged out/chill..loads of tiings happenin here and dere..ppl changes so fast dat its so scary..seriously..i feel so stranger bout the peepz arnd me..esp her..dats a drastic change man..
but was nice to hab dem still wid chill..ladiies nite outz..
im feeliin rather xiin ku stomach hurrts badly..triied eatin bit of hor fun and the stomach hurrts lyk shit! wtf..arrgh..went out wif da ytd..met me aftr work..wanted to plae hide and seek wif make him find me when he reached tmall..hahs..but eventuali i gave out i told him i was in toy R us..ahhas..hmmm dere's loads of toys so interestin and creative wana get sum fer myself nxt mth =p hahahs..
i was feelin darn when da reached..we chiong fer food..hahas..but da had his lunch at hm he hab to watch me eat =p lol..had long john silver and aftr dat was nonsense time = p lol..we walked aimlessly..walkin back and fro frm tmall to cs..and frm cs back to tmall..hahas..den i bugged da to take return fer dat i hab to play one of the machines in tmall..hahas..
we took our piic and played the machine..its ex u noe! the machine cost $1 lol..wif whistle..hahs..we had GELARE too..yummy..=p i tiink the uncle will hab a hard time cleanin out table..e mess we created..=x..
had movie marathon..watched DATE MOVIE first followed by THE SHAGGY DOG..nt reali dat dat dat hilarious as compared to dick & jane..but overall still nt bad = )..
met up wif the rest at nite..yl came a came a while...den we headed to 400plus fer supper..i had ice milo..nt hungrie at all cus b4 dat while waitin fer the rest at inter mac i had my nugget meal alr..
da walked me hm..complainin thruout! lol..u naggy man =x cus it was a bloodi long distance i mus sae..but i kept sayin it was onli a short dist =x jus to make tis laziie bum the time reach my was lyk 5 plus am alr..da wanted to wait fer the midnite charge to be off den he go i had to bomb the toilet fer a while..i went bck hm first and rush dwn asap..hahas..i brought coco dwn too..wanted to stroll wif her..but she was lyk a lost puppy..dunno wad she was i brought her back..den went fer brkfast wif da..had hot milo and kaya toast..stomach hurttin lyk shit agaiin..argh! da had to sent me back..= (( sorrie da..kinda troubled u alot..walkin back and fro..went back hm..and jus woke up bout 4plus jus nw..had fever fer a while..nw im sweatiin lyk hell..gotta go prepare alr..meetin yl and tmall at 6.30 definately late =x..
miss da (",)
Thursday, March 09, 2006
back bloggiin-
yes yes yes i noe cobwebs are growin in my blog..
im back from our class chalet..7mar-9march 2006..
well mani tings happened within and before tis period of time..i'll go all the way bck to the startiin of march..=))
lyiin in ur sweet embrace
everitin jus fell into place
to fall in love wif a guy lyk u
yea..i guess that's all im gonna do = ))
yeap..i feel complete all agaiins = )
surprises were almost happenin everidae..= )) wad do u wana kaypo abt huhs? =x
-shall keep the public in suspense =x-
back to the class chalet..
i felt real excitied bout the class chalet cus its been a long time since i rem all those peeps dat created chaos and mass destruction..wif the cyclin clan and the rest of 5N2 combinin was powerful..nth but pure FUN AND CONTINIUIOS FUN =p as the vchalet was kinda big,,we had 2 seperate grups..the boys and the gals..nt tt much of UNITED feelin..
the 1st niite was terrible = (( me and my stupid idea of gettin driinks..ak was "SO DRUNK" even water wif coke made her felt high =p hmmm..gawd..she sure noe's hw to self-drunk herself..=x
but..i still felt bad..yea..cus..all criied and got real emo bout everitin......
second dae was much mre happenin..cus of the BBQ..and our guest were andrew and sandra oho h and's abt one else..ahas..okae dere's was sort of 4 kinds of food?..well ate bits of everitin..= )
sweet little moments here and dere and i was on picture spree =p takiin pics here and dere..i guess if our nxt gatherin be in overseas wud be even mre fun! *keepiin my fingers crossed*-wish-
-sweet memoriies of u & me- (",)
im back from our class chalet..7mar-9march 2006..
well mani tings happened within and before tis period of time..i'll go all the way bck to the startiin of march..=))
lyiin in ur sweet embrace
everitin jus fell into place
to fall in love wif a guy lyk u
yea..i guess that's all im gonna do = ))
yeap..i feel complete all agaiins = )
surprises were almost happenin everidae..= )) wad do u wana kaypo abt huhs? =x
-shall keep the public in suspense =x-
back to the class chalet..
i felt real excitied bout the class chalet cus its been a long time since i rem all those peeps dat created chaos and mass destruction..wif the cyclin clan and the rest of 5N2 combinin was powerful..nth but pure FUN AND CONTINIUIOS FUN =p as the vchalet was kinda big,,we had 2 seperate grups..the boys and the gals..nt tt much of UNITED feelin..
the 1st niite was terrible = (( me and my stupid idea of gettin driinks..ak was "SO DRUNK" even water wif coke made her felt high =p hmmm..gawd..she sure noe's hw to self-drunk herself..=x
but..i still felt bad..yea..cus..all criied and got real emo bout everitin......
second dae was much mre happenin..cus of the BBQ..and our guest were andrew and sandra oho h and's abt one else..ahas..okae dere's was sort of 4 kinds of food?..well ate bits of everitin..= )
sweet little moments here and dere and i was on picture spree =p takiin pics here and dere..i guess if our nxt gatherin be in overseas wud be even mre fun! *keepiin my fingers crossed*-wish-
-sweet memoriies of u & me- (",)
Friday, March 03, 2006
good or bad?
got into clementi ITE..hmm is tis a gd or bad tingy..yeap its business information technology..which kenneth and the rest commented dat it was e lousiest course in poly..imagine wad am i to do now..i feel lyk gg dwn to college east to do my appeal..or shud i wait fer my DAE..but if i wait fer my DAE,,den my ITE course wud be void..
i feel so lousy all of a sudden,,
fuck tis..
i feel so lousy all of a sudden,,
fuck tis..
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
anthr dae-
another day passed agaiin..
woke up real early today,about 10plus. on my com..and decided to use my blogspot agaiin..well it took me hours to copy paste cut and paste here and much hassel to do a blogspot template..
and i was nearly late for the interview..had to rush cab down just to reach on time..the briefing went on for abt an hour and i realise that i was the only one working at tamp in i was the representative at the clinic only! oh mann! wad a challenge! hahas..okok i'll try my best ya..i wont back out..
after the interview and blah blah blah..i went to mum's office to look for her..chatted a little with her in her office and finished her packet of cookies =p sinful indulgence ya? hahahss..she was so so so obsessed bout gg to a club..she insisted that i brought her along..wth! wad is she tinkin man!'s been a long time since i sat down and chatted with her..the feeling was kinda nice..cus lately all we ever did was shoutin at each other..which in turn made me do nothin but just stariin at the com and not wana tok to them at all..i didnt realise i hadnt talk to her for quite a while alr..i didnt know when did it became so bad,,till today..when we finally didnt quarrelled..maybe communication is important least update them a little abt our daily summary..maybe u ppl readin my blog might tink im speakin gibberish....yuppz..that's me..that's how i am tryin to explain myself..what i am feeling..
okok..after that went to spinelli to continue chilling..with mum..she had a cafe latte..and me a mango twist..or smth lyk dat..forgotten wad it was called..mum had to leave earlier cause she had to get back to her next shift at ocs..and it was still early for me to set off to i slacked at spinelli..and read my i know why people like to sit in a comfy cafe and just let time passes,reading their storybook and enjoying their's nice and cosy = ))
okok..well my blog sounds boring huhs?..hahas..well dat's me lately..nth much..
fianlly it was time for me to set off to bugis to meet kelz,andy,mw and ym..
they were all late!!!!!! i had to go slack again..went to delifrance to continuce reading my storybook..they arrive only bout 6.45 or was it 7.15? could not recall the off we search for fen's present..shopped for a while..and decided to head down to suntec to test out the fountain tingy..we planned to gib her a surprise to type out a birthday msg at the fountain..but they onli hab message services onli on FRi,SAt and Sun..oh cud nt test it out..but we stayed a while to look at the laser effects and was real nice! i was kinda engross just starrin at it..
we headed down to marina square to search fer her 21 gifts..but only manage to get a car plate..with the writings " FORGET THE REST..STICK WITH THE BEST" we bought that for her..20 more gifts to go..i tot i saw my boss..ran lyk shit! lol..ran as fast as we could..darn dat man..why of all ppl shud we see him! arrghh..= ((
made our final plans fer fen's celebration at mccafe..and headed home..
will be gg down to tamp polyclinic tmr..and oso tmall to get the stuff needed for fen's gift..'s all abt it..
niites = ))
woke up real early today,about 10plus. on my com..and decided to use my blogspot agaiin..well it took me hours to copy paste cut and paste here and much hassel to do a blogspot template..
and i was nearly late for the interview..had to rush cab down just to reach on time..the briefing went on for abt an hour and i realise that i was the only one working at tamp in i was the representative at the clinic only! oh mann! wad a challenge! hahas..okok i'll try my best ya..i wont back out..
after the interview and blah blah blah..i went to mum's office to look for her..chatted a little with her in her office and finished her packet of cookies =p sinful indulgence ya? hahahss..she was so so so obsessed bout gg to a club..she insisted that i brought her along..wth! wad is she tinkin man!'s been a long time since i sat down and chatted with her..the feeling was kinda nice..cus lately all we ever did was shoutin at each other..which in turn made me do nothin but just stariin at the com and not wana tok to them at all..i didnt realise i hadnt talk to her for quite a while alr..i didnt know when did it became so bad,,till today..when we finally didnt quarrelled..maybe communication is important least update them a little abt our daily summary..maybe u ppl readin my blog might tink im speakin gibberish....yuppz..that's me..that's how i am tryin to explain myself..what i am feeling..
okok..after that went to spinelli to continue chilling..with mum..she had a cafe latte..and me a mango twist..or smth lyk dat..forgotten wad it was called..mum had to leave earlier cause she had to get back to her next shift at ocs..and it was still early for me to set off to i slacked at spinelli..and read my i know why people like to sit in a comfy cafe and just let time passes,reading their storybook and enjoying their's nice and cosy = ))
okok..well my blog sounds boring huhs?..hahas..well dat's me lately..nth much..
fianlly it was time for me to set off to bugis to meet kelz,andy,mw and ym..
they were all late!!!!!! i had to go slack again..went to delifrance to continuce reading my storybook..they arrive only bout 6.45 or was it 7.15? could not recall the off we search for fen's present..shopped for a while..and decided to head down to suntec to test out the fountain tingy..we planned to gib her a surprise to type out a birthday msg at the fountain..but they onli hab message services onli on FRi,SAt and Sun..oh cud nt test it out..but we stayed a while to look at the laser effects and was real nice! i was kinda engross just starrin at it..
we headed down to marina square to search fer her 21 gifts..but only manage to get a car plate..with the writings " FORGET THE REST..STICK WITH THE BEST" we bought that for her..20 more gifts to go..i tot i saw my boss..ran lyk shit! lol..ran as fast as we could..darn dat man..why of all ppl shud we see him! arrghh..= ((
made our final plans fer fen's celebration at mccafe..and headed home..
will be gg down to tamp polyclinic tmr..and oso tmall to get the stuff needed for fen's gift..'s all abt it..
niites = ))
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