Thursday, April 16, 2009


Saw the news on Yahoo page, bout Singapore might meet with the Tusnami on the 22nd of July, which happens on the same day as the solar eclispe. Sounds scary, like if we're able to pass the eclispe everything will be fine. Like such a news on a Tuesday morning, though it's said that even if Singapore were to meet with one, it'll only be about 1m high. But Hong Kong will meet with one that is 10-15m high. Imagine that! omg. That's like scary shit balls. Deep!! 5 levels?

Finally curb my cravings for CHoco Pops. But cant seem to stop thinking about it, all thanks to Daryl for recommending that ice cream from Swensen to me. Now Im stuck to it. Damnit.

Gotta go prepare now, heading out to run some errands.


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