Monday, July 20, 2009

Survivor hardcore.

Try going for an overnight with a mere 3 hours rest. HIOUGHZ to the MAX!.
Freaking bulls wasnt helping. I was like a souless fella walking in the cabin, plus the peeling from the sunburnt aint helping much, I had to freaking spray the moisture surge thingy on my face like thousand and one times when I looked at myself in the mirror, it looks as though there were saliva stains all around my mouth. Imagine that. Yucks to the core. And I had to touch up like thousand and one times. So all in all it was thousand and one to the power of ten balls. Yeap, Im yeak-ke-dy-del-dy with all the what nots. Hahahha. Literally TOH!

I panic for like 5 mins outside my house just now. Fearing that my keys wasnt with me. For a moment I really wished Coco could open the door for me. LOL!. I had to like fumble with my bag to find the keys. I was on the verge of tears balls. The thought of sleeping outside my house was like so gonna happen. IMAGINE THAT!!! LOL. CRISPY TO THE MAX!!!

This is my most HARDCORE ever time taken awake balls.
The cold water is calling out to me now, ciaoz!

Who stole the cookie jar?..

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