Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's been a while since I've penned down a proper entry. Days been going by pretty fast. I've a feeling I didn't worked hard enough this month, and it's already coming to an end. May is approaching, and I can't foresee what's ahead. There'll definitely be lots of things going on but can't picture it as of yet but I can finally say TGIF tomorrow because I'll be off (:

It's been a while since I really dress up for an occasion/outing and the only group of people that makes me feel so stressful when I have to meet up with them-the primary school peeps. It's either I'll be overdressed or under,which in this case it's always UNDER. LOL I'll be meeting them tomorrow and now I've a huge headache on what to wear. The theme is "Casual". When questioned what's Fang's casual, she told me "either maxi dress or long skirt.." base on my understanding, my form of casual are :shorts, tees, tank tops,etc. LOL oh well.. I hope I'll figure something out by tonight.

It's been the longest time since I've seen the ladies, work has really tied them down, having to meet with deadlines and all. I wonder what I'll be like if I were in their "mess" hahaha. Sitting in the office cramping the accounts, the audits, reports and more reports. Generating brain cells every single day. Sometimes, I do feel like changing my job to work in the office, to experience those "OL's" lifestyle and also to work my rusty braincells a little...

Time will tell, I'm giving myself 2 years to figure it out..

Thoughts lingers~

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