Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Almost forgotten

Call me dumb or whatsoever, looking at my friend's pictures, it just reminds me of the dream that I've set out for. My path aint blurry yet. Im still working towards my ultimate goal, maybe I should print some pictures to remind myself of what I wish to do. It's a love hate situation, but I tend to appreciate my job more and ironically, it's because of the people there that motivated me. I'm glad I've managed to pull through. Today marks exactly 2 years of flying from which I've learned good and bad stuffs from.

I enjoyed the process, and as the day goes by, I feel a kind of bond with my job. Though I dread it at times, times when I became complacent and only wanna be able to play to the max. I dont want to stop now. Not yet. Im moving on.

I believe I'll be able to make it to international someday. And as of now, Im working towards my goal.

Peace yo~

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