Wednesday, June 28, 2006

the questions-

The 7 Facts bout me...

7 Random Facts Bout me-

7 Things That Scares Me.....= p
-clown (they jus scare me)
-being alone
-when my bf sneak up on me
-when my loved ones leave this world..

7 random music at the moment
-Stick with you
-Du chang qing ger
-we're all in this together
-when i'm with you
-all my life

7 things i like most
-the toy R' us FLOWERS bf gave me
-my K750i
-gg anywhere with my bf =)
-my computer

7 things i say most
-wad sia
-try your luck
-love you ( to my bf..hahas..and it's ever the 1st time i say it so often)

7 people to do this
-my bf
-shi hui
-yan lin
-pei shi
-mantianal ppl! hey gals u shud noe who u r huh
-u who is reading my blog

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