Friday, November 02, 2007



Alright so school was kinda slack. I woke up real late this morning, I woke up around 7am. We-Aud,Van,F Word and myself gave Audit a miss and headed to level 3 cafetaria for breakfast. F Word was trying his "black magic" on us once again, this time round I've got his trick and it made me feel kinda dumb. LOL.It's actually very simple. =x
After breakfast, we headed for the next lesson- Accounting.
HAHAHA, I was having hell of a time taking pictures of everyone, laughing at every single nonsense.
So this is what happens to me on every Friday. I go berserk doing extremely nonsense stuffs..hahas!
Here goes.....

[ The joker of the day, F Word Our Man-Nigger. LOL ]
[ Got home in the pouring rain... ]
[ When lesson was stressing the hell out of us.... lol!!! ]
[ I cant help but to NAP a while.. ]
[ Cash Flow statements..AHHHHHHHH ]

[ When extremely tall people are asked to write on the board......]
[ This is what happens..YOU HEAD BANG, HAHAHA! ]

[ And this is one smart fella..LOL tryin to write as high up as possible.. ]

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