Sunday, November 23, 2008


I hate December. Seriously, so many freaking problems. It's always a vicious cycle. I hate this kinda feeling. I HATE IT. I HATE YOU!! why must it always got to be YOU!!! Can't you just vanish?. Or maybe I should just vanish. Sometimes I really regret making this decision. Or am I just too narrow minded. One way or another, it's driving me up the walls. I can't express myself in words, it always ended up making me feel like im a control freak or something. Woman, sensitive creatures by nature. Or it's just Joanne's nature. Either you stick with it or get out of her life.

I've tried changing and Im glad I changed. No point sticking to the old me, when nothing I did was appreciated. Till it was gone that people learn to cherish. I'm going bonkers seriously. Is this KARMA on me already?.

Lately my sensitivity level has been increasing. I guess it's due to the lack of sleep. I hate feeling depress. It feels so stupid.
Especially when Im depress everything that goes through my mind seems like some mixed up jigsaw. My feelings and thoughts are all jumbled up like scrabble. I wish to make my point clear, but it always ended up with another meaning. I don't ask for alot, I just want the basic, the simplest. Yet, it all blew up. POOF!!.

I'm grumbling all my randoms, it's seriously driving me crazy. I can cry for hours over matters that dont mean a thing at all. How silly is this. I hate DECEMBER seriously. Give me a reason why I shouldnt or why am I behaving in such behaviour?. WHY!! Do I not know how to compromise?, am I really so irritating?, what am I suppose to do?. I feel so pist off so freaking pist off!!! It's not like someone triggered me, it's like the time bomb in me just exploded by itself.

This post is extremely random, I guess it's due to my PMS. It's really driving me up the walls.
I guess I need a sandbag, for me to release my anger, no one seem to be able to understand this. NO ONE. Not a single person, no one. How pathetic this is.

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