It all happened on Christmas eve and early Christmas itself. My sister and myself attended the family gathering. Whereby there were tons of food, moutains of dessert. And I finally had a taste of the blue cheese. It gave a weird smell, which is difficult for people to have a liking for. But it was nice. Okay, it aint that perfect but it goes real well with wine. Had a few cups too much to drink, cus my uncle kept refilling. The second dosage of sparkling red wine, was kinda killer. Couldnt really hold wines that well. So I had my cut off limit for it. It was a silent killer. After gathering there for a good few hours, we left earlier as we've still got other programs on.
That's when my spasm neck started to give me some problem. It literally tilted to the left, freaking gave me a shock of my life. And I was suppose to meet Daryl for midnight mass. Imagine that scene, anyone who was with me, would have like died laughing at me. But no. Daryl was extremely pist. He felt that I was showing disrespect to his religion. C'mon it wasn't really on purpose. But yea, the night when horribly wrong. And I felt horribly guilty. It was all due to the drowsy effect I had from my food poisoning jab I had earlier in the morning. =(
Everything went haywired. It was a horrible scene, which I hope it will never happen in the near future. And Im definitely not showing any disrespect.
In the end, everything went picture perfect. And the whole incident became a joke for us to fall back on and laugh. GEEZ~ what a night I would say. Whereby I had to rush to the clinic at the airport like twice on the same day. GEEZ~ Damnit.
Christmas day was well spent. I had hell of a time laughing my lungs out. And I caught Cyril the magician on AXN. His moves are so great that I seriously salute to him. He's moves changes right in front of your eyes!. He can change a bowl of chicken noodles to Laksa and the stack of card to literally stick to the ceiling revealing only the card that you had in mind. Just simple illusion tricks caught me real fascinated. Geez~ =)
Received santa mail at 11plus. Slot beside the flower pot of my neighbour!! LOL!! wth. Thank you santa claus! =)
Alright enough bulls,
gotta go prepare for work alr..
Merry Christmas once again people! =)

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