Tuesday, October 17, 2006

First Day of School

Alright alright, it's the first day of school yesterday. Which marks the start of Sem2!
First day of school and we're late.LOL =x
There are 2 classes for IAC woot' and i'm with Audrey in Ms Belinda Ng's class.
Hmm, the format for the Trading, Profit and Loss which i USED to know is TOTALLY DIFFERENT! hmm, and i've got COMPETITION today and will not be ablt to turn up for lesson! oh no!!!! and to think that lesson proper starts today argh!!
And for my elective, i am in BFS (Banking and Finance) different for Audrey and the rest, DK was BAD!! real BAD! HUMPH!

Got to reach school by 7am later, that's the reason why i woke up so early.
Going Bukit Batok to play match.

I hope everything turns out well today. (wishes real badly)

He went to cut morahwk, comp0naied him back to the salon yesterday to trim his hair, layered. Nice.
Now he thinks i love him for what he is not who he is. =(

I hope things could get better.
Now that school has started.

i got to go get ready already.


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