Saturday, March 31, 2007
Well, Mr Chan has finally booked out and back to civilisation..hahas, somehow I feel he's a happy man now, LOL.
Hmm, the way he describes army life seems fun, cause it sounds so much like sec sch days, just that they do PE all the time. His company has 3 female recruits, so cool, says that they are of average looking.
Oh yeap, went for B&J's interview, most likely I'll be getting that job. My cousin will start work coming Wed, while for me..I gotta settle some stuffs first. Their incentive sounds more attractive than B&J but I forgotten what they told me alr!! hahas, I only rem " for every 300 hours you clock in, $400 will be credited into your acnt" cool eh, but I've calculated, I tink I need almost 2 and half months to clock in so many hours man.
After thinking long and hard, I've decided to sell my phone, goodbye K750i =(
I don't wish to take from mum. She needs the money for herself too.
I didnt turn up for Sakae Sushi ytd, so I guess for the time being, I better avoid dining at Sakae. Especially the branch at Dhoby Gaut. =x
Maybe to me some stuff, I wish I dont hear it.
Because the more you are showing it to me, the more I....
To build up the trust I hope you understand my feelings.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
- She likes to talk to herself
- I am an optimistic introvert ( contradicting huh..hahas)
- Gets hungry easily ( but cant eat as much as I want to, as I have a tendency to put on weight easily)
- I'm afraid of clowns and dolls
- I can stay online the whole day not doing anything.
- I feel weird having to sit here and think of stuffs that I feel weird about me. hahas..
I guess that's about it, I believe I still have some other weird stuffs which I dont know myself. hahas, definately something?..hahas, oh well, maybe laugh at my own jokes?..or think of something while I'm on the train and smile for nothing??..Now I sound more like a psycho than a weirdo..hahas.
Ohwell, nothing much happened at work today, just that I was kinda clumsy and knocked my knee onto the drawer, and got a bump now. With dots of purple and blue, so UGLIFIED!!! if there's such word..Met up with the usuals for dinner. We went GIANTS to shop for food and went over to Mas's place to cook, hahas, I've never seen them so homely before..hahas..Oh wells, we had spaghetti with erm, Im not sure which is it, Alfredo or Carbonara sauce, I made the mash potatoes, which doesnt require much effort..hahas, just add in hot water, and its good to go =p , we had bacon, and also SOTONG!!! my all time favourite lately man..hahas, SAMBAL SOTONG ..hmmmmmmm, so HEAVENLY!!! hahas..
SO much for that 3 and 1/2 jog plus 30 cruches, now everything is returned to me after that "late night dinner"..UGH!! I wish I get anorexia. So I can stop eating so much.
Audrey told me this week was the last week before Momo closes for renovation!! and I MISSED it!! UGH. =( No more free drinks anymore..
Alright, gotta go get some rest, gotta wake up early later..
Nites =)
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Stamina gone.
And just received a msg that I need to work later. UGH.
I hate this kinda feeling, when it's suppose to be your off day, and you got a last min call up.
Alright, on the other hand, I do give last min shit too..Hais, karma.
I have to turn up for work later at 5.30pm and tmr I dont have to work. =) hehes, so I guess I can turn up for training tmr.
This is my second time writing this blog, feels so dumb. Just cause the html was having some problem and they can't' publish my blog. UGH.
So I guess, I cant go for any job hunting today, Im working at 5.30 pm =(
Oh wells, more work more $$. That's the only thing I can console myself now..
I guess Im gonna search for a banquet job, I dont wish to drag you guys down, as in like when I cant turn up for standby, then you guys would be dragged down.
I dont wish any conflict to happen..
Hais, so much to say, but dont know where to start.
I gotta learn to bury the hatchet, that impact is still there.
I dont know why it hits me that bad,
I am me. Love me or hate me, it's still an obssession.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Sentosa & Teo Heng
My grumpy morning call came at 8.27am Hahas.
But I only woke up at 9 plus.Hehe. =p
Have to prepare for Sentosa. Bathed and rushed out of house. Met Van,Aud,Lion,Leo,Johnson and Bday Boy at the interchange.
Went to have our breakfast, and headed for Harbour Front.
Someone gave me a shock of my life by giving me a tap on my back while we alighted at Outram, it was none other than Ms Von, so all along we were on the same train, and we didnt see each other..hahas..
So we walked around Harbour Front looking for the cake for the bday boy.
Everything done and met up with Edmond, we head off to Sentosa!!! =)
But the weather turned it's backside on us. It rained the minute we got there.
Lion and the rest got there first cus lion was driving, he picked us up at the shuttle bus pit point. We didnt pay $$ =p we just walked in and hopped onto Lion's car. hahas.
The 4 girls were tempted to jump into the water, but we couldn't!! =(
Took loads of pictures, Von made " ai xin bian dang " I liked the Tuna.
Oh ya, we played the erm, what is that called?..wait till I get the name of it. hahas.
Since the girls couldn't get into the water, we decided to go over to "New Zeland" to chill.
To wait for the guys to return from their water parade. Hahas.
After everything we went our seperate ways,
Oh ya!! I missed out the part when bday boy got sabotaged! hahas..
Edmond gave him an unexpected cake smack on his face! hahas, it was very lenient le..=p
After leaving Sentosa, Lion they all went for dinner, while me, Aud and Van went Teo Heng!! =))
------To be continued.. I'm real exhausted..--------------
-To myself:
No doubt it was just a small lil matter, it made an impact on me.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Believe it or not I hadn't ate anything the whole day. Unless you consider green apple as a meal.
Sh did ask me out to Simpang, but it was way too last minute, I wasnt prepared yet. Sorry gal. =(
Now, im feeling WAY HUNGRY. Dumbshit =(
It's 5.50am and I've yet to catch some sleep. Nice one. I guess I'll be sleeping later.
I hate being left feeling like this. So UNFAIR
Im seriously very hungry right now, but there's nothing for me to eat. =(
Any kind soul willing to meet me now for breakfast? =(
Thursday, March 22, 2007
New foundings =)

Hmm, currently Aud's online!! hahas, and ym..MORON!! hahas..
Im hitting the gym in the evening. Hopefully the cramps don't kill me.
Oh yea, I went for Sakae Sushi interview. $5.50/ hr.
Please don't go for any interview at Orchard Plaza, firstly that place is run-down. Secondly, I don't think it looks like a decent place either. I went there initially for an interview for waitress at a Bar, which is located at Orchard Plaza, it stated on the papers that it needed waiter/waitress. When me and Jz got there. It look like some red-district pub. They rejected Jz and told me they needed female waitress, they only put up the "waiter" position merely because they say that MOM don't allow them to open vancancy only to waitress. WHAT A SCAM!! hahas. Anyway, the minute they told me that I left with Jz without second thought. I won't wana work there.
And yeap, headed down to Cine and HMV, I wanted to look for Kitori's CD but cant be found. So yea. It's equivalent to not finding anything.
After shopping around for a blue cross which Jz can't locate, we decided to do some shoppin!! lol Jz sounds so gf material now, lol. He wanted to look for a black shirt, which I told him Bugis has the BEST DEAL! hahas, so I brought him there, and yea found the shirt but not the size..DOTS!!
Decided to meet SH at 85 for dinner. Say heng came, Mas came, Irvin and Wilkie came. Okay gf's WILL DEFIANTELY ASK U GIRLS OUT OK. Don't get mad at me please?
THat's all folks! =)
Happy reading this entry !!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
As the treadmill was all occupied, I've got no choice but to go to the stadium to jog 2 rounds first then head back to the gym to use the other equipments.
But I have a feeling it was redundant cus after gym, went to Cartel to have dinner. So yea, ate back everything. LOL. OMG.
Instead of losing those stubborn fats, I have a feeling I'm just welcoming more man. SHIT.
I feel like going to the gym tomorrow.
I need more exercise.
Alrites, gtg.
Monday, March 19, 2007
No more me tagging along. UGH. SO BAD!
They banned me. Out of the group for me.
I guess it was planned. I knew it the moment you were silent.
Something. Just something.
But now, it's just nothing.
Nothing at all.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
These Days
I don't know what to do, but just stay where I am now.
Watched a great movie. " Freedom Writers" maybe after watching this show, you will learn to appreciate the life you are living now.
To sh, maybe Im not good at comforting people, but you can ask me out or smth, dont harbour everything to yourself.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
How did it became like this.
Hiding in the dark?..
Who's ashame of who?..
If this is considered a game, maybe I know where I'll be heading.
Now back here at this bottomless pit. I chose to keep silent.
I chose to avoid that question where it pops-up in my thoughts.
I should know by tonight if what " I still believe " should stand.
I hope it doesn't hurt.
Please don't.
But maybe at times I just need the cruel truth to be thrown at my face.
Straight at me, into my face. Let me die on the spot.
Afterall, this might just be a dream.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
And that dumb saying bout leopard cant change their spots or smth, whatever it is.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Is it due to the side effects?, not sure though.
Oh ya..we went 888 coffeshop ytd too, and I was kinda bad at directing. Sorry PAUL! hahas.
And this morning I literally missed my alarm, and I didnt went for training.
Tmr's the last day to attend the training. Im getting sacked soon.
They might be studying tonight.
Alright, I'll go study now.
Friday, March 02, 2007
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Rainy Days
So afterall Ng still cares about us, she called Audrey the day before to ask about us. I'm so going to attend her lesson next week man. Make a breakthrough. To have 100% attendence. wahaha. =x
It's kinda giving me the headache. It's like a silent war.
Went spinning around last night, everyone was kinda silent. I fell asleep in Ken's car 3/4 of the time while they were driving around. Same places, Ulu Pandan, etc..
Pit-stop at Kopitiam in town for smoke break, while I went 7-11 to get magazine, a tomato lemon and Ricola sweet after which we ended back at Paul's coffeshop, and there after, headed home.
Checked my mails, and went straight to bed; concussed.
Studying with Audrey later, I make sure I do.
Gonna be regular customer of Mac's once again.