It's finally TUESDAY!, a day which I dread the MOST.
We'll be having NAFA today @ 2pm. BOOOO!!!
Seriously, cant they just do off with that?, it feels so secondary school man. Damn.
People are telling me to take the 2.4km as a slow jog..when I got to clear before 15mins, else I got to retake!! eeeeyur, damn.
My fruit diet didnt started afterall, in the morning I had OILY CHICKEN CHOP, followed by flavour bust raspberry again when I met up with AUd and dinner was GRILLED CHICKEN! @ Cartel..OMG.
I've SINNED. I broke my own promise to myself. DAMNIT!
And I didnt attend vball training! eeeyur.
I was laughing so much when I met up with Aud ytd to study, ahahas.
Cash budgeting was giving us the headache, but the laughters cured them. I was laughing so hard, till I felt the cramps in my stomach. LOL.
We took pics from Aud's macbook and I was laughing awaay, our dumb faces, shall get the pics from aud and upload them soon!! wahahas.

Enjoy!! =) wahaha

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