[ 2nd Entry ]
Time check: 3.08am on my computer
For the past 30 mins or so, I was blog hopping, reading my past archives. Hahas, I have a habit to read back my past entries, and still laugh bout the silly things I've used to wrote, be it angry, sad, happy or confused. I see a standard pattern in my blog entries whereby I just whine and whine and whine. So basically, I just love whinning. That is one thing that didn't change. hahas. Feel like waking up early to go for a tan later, but I guess I'll be lazy. Was suppose to meet The Usuals later on, but I didn't reconfirmed with them, so I guess the meeting up will be called off?.. hmm, so I predict I'll most likely be rotting at home. :) Which I guess I'll need it? since I haven had much sleep lately, besides yesterday =p
Somebody must be watching CSI now, said to complete season 4. So I guess there's loads more of episodes. Was talking to my friend on msn, and I realise that guys tend not to solve problems. They just prefer to remain silent, even when questioned, they'll DENY everything and just let it be, though they know that they feel upset bout it and everything, they still chose to remain as it is. This is one thing I can never tolerate I guess?.. If you have doubt or anything? just clarify?! I prefer straight in my face then keeping it to yourself and making things all so miserable. Having the other party wondering what actually went wrong and having so mnay thoughts..not knowing exactly where went wrong, and the other party doesn't voice it out and just LET IT BE. Best scenario, this fella just disappears! wahh, crap. Anyways, not my problem, if you can just let it be and let go then good for you dude.
Enough of complaining..
[ 1st Entry ]
So I woke up only like ermm, 3 plus today? =x kekeke.
Lazy ass is finally surfacing. ;)
9 more days! can't wait can't wait!! :))
So I had the runs today, like this would be my 5th visit to the too-let. LOL!!! =p It was massive..LOL!! okay details skipped. So "Bekunis" is working real good that it fucking makes me feel like I'm in labour. So, if you wanna risk your life like me and try the pills, be my guest.
There after the bomination..cabbed down to " Holy Trinity" went to crash the chruch for some Good Friday fun =x Oops, just curiosity. Had to like "fast" for the day, but I skipped the "no meat" thingy. So I guess I can't live without MEAT. Be it PORK,BEEF,CHICKEN..MEAT MEAT MEAT!!!!
So after the service/mass, headed down to TM, by then I was freaking wobbly, an angry monster. I wanted FOOD. hahas, VienThai was where I had my feast, a mini one considering the fact that Im on DIE-T. Had Green Mango Salad and Pad Thai. Yummilicious I must say, sadly it has all been flushed down the toilet bowl. Had some arcade fun and caught " Be Kind Rewind ". Seriously, it was kinda boring at the start with very irrelavant scenes, you will only understand the show more like nearing the ending, when I don't feel that sleepy anymore. Did I make any sense?.. Nope I guess.
Joanne seriously wanna catch " The Leap Years" with you. HOW HOW HOW!!!! :(

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