Habit- is a killer to me. I've got loads of bad habits that are difficult to change, but it's possible, I'll just take a longer time. A change for the better I would say.
Attitude- mine has been quite bad lately. Very negative. But it doesn't last long, it happens mostly when I'm preparing for work, I'll release tension like what Dar said. I'll just curse and swear, hahas. This is me, I aint no dainty girl caring bout what's glam or unglam, I'm at HOME, so I'll just be myself, and do what's BEST for me. Scream and shout. hahas. At least I feel better at work =) . It's not that I've got bad crew or what, it's just those you know, days when you just feel like running away from everything?, yea. I'm a bummer, a bummer that prefers working for 3 days and have one month's rest. LOL!. I'll definately be working for nothing if that happens. Hahas.
Forgetful- I've a tendency to be forgetful. So I tend to jot down stuffs be it on a tissue, or anything I can find, as in at work. Just so that I dont screw up my side orders or anything. Maybe it has it pros and cons. The positive one would definately be that I wont be angry with that particular person for long. No matter how angry I could be. After a while I'll forget why I was angry. LOL. Blessing in disguise?, hahas. Here comes the negative, some stuff people taught me, I tend to FORGET too!!, oh my.. hahas. Any idea how to improve on my memory?.. it's not absorbing much.
Expectations- I expect alot from myself, but at the same time disappoints myself alot. So I start off with small expectations like cleaning of my dressing table, vacuum the floor once a while, go for jogs, etc. Small expectations, and slowly move up from there, at least it's at a comfort level for me to improve, because I'm a procrastinator too, so if it's small stuff, I'll be able to push myself to complete it.
Changes- I believe that from years of trying to understand myself, I do see a change in me. I'm somewhat stronger, fatter HAHAS!, more conscious of what I say to people, but to people that know me, I wont bother to think before I speak =p My patience level has slightly increased?, my sleeping hours decreased, hahas. My expenditure increase, so does my commitments. Come what may, it's part and parcel of life. Learn to overcome it, not skip it.
So the morale of the story is..
I'll not take MC today! hahas. It's a secret =))
Just for laugh, me when I was in Sec 3. LOL.
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