Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 1

Standing under the scorching sun, while we wait patiently for our love ones to fall out and be with us for one last time before sailing off. My tears didnt start till the very last moments when I see his ship move further away from us, and his face became so ever tiny till I cant see his features no more. My tears welled up, but I held them back. I miss that monkey already. Please let these 4 months move faster, let me be as busy as possible so as to keep my mind off the missing.

It's my longest goodbye, especially the moment he waved goodbye and the ship moving further away from bay. It feels as though I've not held enough of his hands and hugs.

Dear God, I pray for good weather and that Collin will come back safe and sound.

4 months..
I'll wait!

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