Today's the 1st of SEPTEMBER! (: many running thoughts in my head it's all over the place, cant wait cant wait!!!
As promised shall start on my letters soon..
back to write later`
Off to work now..ciaoz
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Feel so bad
Did I overreacted?. Was that even necessary, but at that moment in time, I did felt uncomfortable, I just reported accordingly. I can't seem to agree with myself. Must be cursing and swearing at me so much.
I just woke up, it's a bad day for me..UGH
Diarrhoea, flt delayed, and now Im feeling so extremely hungry..
I just woke up, it's a bad day for me..UGH
Diarrhoea, flt delayed, and now Im feeling so extremely hungry..
It felt like 5mins ago that I fell asleep..
This is not very good, to start off the day with a stomache. I'm experiencing it RIGHT NOW. ouhh no.
Must have been the tom yum soup and manog salad I had yesterday. AAhhhh!.
Today it's the start of my 3 days shift, get it over and done with!.
Will be using the new products today, for my face. It kinds of worries me, the dosage and all.. man the ache better go away soon, it's not those, whereby you can settle it in the toilet kind, it's like I don't know, say a big mixture inside.
Alright, enough of rantings..
need to go prepare now..
can the days get faster..please..
This is not very good, to start off the day with a stomache. I'm experiencing it RIGHT NOW. ouhh no.
Must have been the tom yum soup and manog salad I had yesterday. AAhhhh!.
Today it's the start of my 3 days shift, get it over and done with!.
Will be using the new products today, for my face. It kinds of worries me, the dosage and all.. man the ache better go away soon, it's not those, whereby you can settle it in the toilet kind, it's like I don't know, say a big mixture inside.
Alright, enough of rantings..
need to go prepare now..
can the days get faster..please..
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Can't think of a title for today's entry. Been meeting up with Myat and K pretty often lately, yesterday met up with them at Cartel and headed over their place to chill. I always learn something new from K..gonna go get the essential oils hahaha! =X
We were so excited when we were talking about the different religion and cultures, it's like so interesting, to understand a little bit more about the different types of festivals and stuff.. I mean, I've always been interested in this kind of stuffs, which I believe some doesn't. I've always been fascinated about the little aspects of life from different ethnic groups. Hearing K's experience in Mumbai makes me laugh so much. She showed me pictures on the net of how certain part of India, hmm can't remember if it's southern part of India, it looks like paradise!! so relaxing and all, and it's not very expensive to go India. I don't know, but yea, I just felt like visiting these places, though I know I will be whining so much when I'm actually there. I bet it's going to be a culture shock, but it's an experience you will never get to see in Singapore. Maybe I could be a tour guide or something. LOL!!
The flickering lights at the corridor freaks me, it cast huge shadow from my neighbour's plants. Even mum feels uncomfortable. LOL. She was like struggling to open the door last night.
K's been showing me places in India that looks freaking awesome. They have their own "Bali" that's such a scenic place! I would like to go Goa if given a chance, but bi said to think twice..LOL!!
Randomness kicks in..
Will be going to the dermatologist today..hopefully the doctor can give me some hope.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Cooking mama
Feel quite accomplished to be able to cook lunch for myself (:
Nothing spectacular, just tofu with minced pork and some sweet potatoes. I was so hungry that I gobbled up the food..HAHAHAHA.. so ashame of my greediness..LOL hmm though the tofu meat still doesnt taste like mummy's, I will try again (:
Eitherways, I'm still happy that I cooked lunch for myself cus Im too lazy to do that most of the time.
Now Im waiting patiently for my sweet potatoes.. it's taking a very long time to steam... :(
It's like the 3rd time, that Im tasting hard sweet potatoes, ugh.
On mc for today, the nose block and the period and the cramps, and the what not. I admit Im not functional today, so I do not wish to endanger the lives on board.
Today Im very grouchy. Extremely.
Dont come near me, I'll bite!
Today Im very grouchy. Extremely.
Dont come near me, I'll bite!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Monday blues
I feel so worn out.

Baby Alveena's a big girl now, she doesnt shy away from people, very bubbly and fun to play with (: poor thing, she had to wait for me till late, got scolding from her mum..LOL!!
Went ktv with Nic, it's the longest time since we went for some singing session, and I must say we've lost our standard..HAHAHA, I feel like a tone deaf now! my pitch is off, painful for my ears to hear..hahaha..
Sat at summer breeze for the longest period of time, talking about life. That was the longest night out after so long. The 3 crazy woman sat there till 5plus in the morning, and we walked out to the main road to hail for cab. Imagine that, 3 crazy bitches, laugh,crap and cried..this happens when woman gather together. We get the emotional energy reved up high.
I feel so sleepy this instance, yet I've still got assignments to be done.
Down. Period.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Fright night
I feel so wide awake right now, just got back home from flight. Reason being, I just went for a sprint in my uniform and someone else's cabin bag. LOL!! what a IDIOT!
Cus I was sharing cab with 2 other crews, so happily I was taking "my" cabin bag from the back and happily waving goodbye to my friends when I realise it wasn't my cabin bag, I made a clown out of myself, yelling and chasing the cab..LOL!!! omg, so horrible, imagine that scene, it's like a "just for laugh" LIVE. Luckily my friend turned back to look at me, and got the driver to reverse back. OMGoodness.........
zZZ so embarrassing.. UGH!! lol.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
HAve you ever?
Ever woke up feeling like going back to sleep once again. It happened today and it's still happening right now. The hour just doesnt seem right. Im awake for an hour now, it feels as though it was 5 mins ago that I was on the phone, not realizing what I was saying. LOL!!
I went back, I miss being there surprisingly..
4 sectors 4 sectors 4 sectors!! Im thinking of what's gonna happen after the 4 sectors..hehe..SING SONG SING SONG SING SONG!!!! hahaha. Hopefully Im not dead beat exhausted..
I've got so many songs in my head that I wanna sing right now..hehe
Tomorrow would be Mes again, swiss roll and lapis!! HERE I COME!!!
Dear nails, can you dry already?..
I went back, I miss being there surprisingly..
4 sectors 4 sectors 4 sectors!! Im thinking of what's gonna happen after the 4 sectors..hehe..SING SONG SING SONG SING SONG!!!! hahaha. Hopefully Im not dead beat exhausted..
I've got so many songs in my head that I wanna sing right now..hehe
Tomorrow would be Mes again, swiss roll and lapis!! HERE I COME!!!
Dear nails, can you dry already?..
Friday, August 20, 2010
cold night..
Im shivering right now, so cold, though I'm wearing the thickest jacket right now..brrrr..
okay let's do a recap of what happened during the week..let's start with the most recent..
I've finally visited "Raindrops Cafe" not exactly what I've anticipated..BUT, I love the battered mushrooms (: yummylicious ;) had Kwak to accompany our food. We ordered 4 cheese pizza..hmmm =) Me LOVE! hahas then the not so nice fried soft shell crab..eeww..hahas!
Then it was walking ALL THE WAY!! not joking balls, it was literally walking from one end to the other and back! hahah, there was so many..TOO MANY.. from Lido to Cine, and then back to Far east, imagine the HOURS spent in one mall..hahahaha, I didn't know I could walk that long.. luckily im wearing flats..imagine that! my knees got busted for walking SO SO MUCH..
Eitherways, it's the company that matters..
Been hanging out pretty often with my sis, the most memorable day out was when we went for a shopping spree in town. My goodness!, brought back memories of my secondary school days, where we only do window shopping and NONSENSE!! tons of them, I was laughing like no one's business at ION, imagine unglam that looked.. behaving like a 17, it feels good though, to let go and go crazy some times, or should I say CRAZIER..hahaah..
I couldn't remember what was it about, must be I said something wrong that made her punch me, there's a blue black okay! ouhh!! I remembered!! I did the stupid dance.."sorry sorry.." that stupid korean song..hahaha, we were laughing so loudly, then the next stunt she pulled was..when we were looking for directions, and she turned without looking with her fingers still up, she point straight into my face, and the passerbys were LAUGHING at me..but I burst out laughing as well..hahaha, laughing too much till Im bloated with air..geez~
Then it was the gift from baby. The huge chocolate bar..that kept my smile ongoing (: even talking about it makes me smile =) I took a peek at it again, =) hehe.
Close to you..
Baby, you're my wonderwall =)
That's the highlights for the will be up later..
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
For you
Must be tonight's "Mooncake Resonnace" episode that made me miss him exceptionally much.
My tears are circling in my eyes this instance. It looks as though Im looking at my own playback. Especially the scene when Su qiu was late for the appointment with guan jia gong. So sweet.. the things she said to him and how he replied her, with a peck on the forehead.
I miss you Mr Tan..
you and your silliness..
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Swing swing from the tangles heart, it's just another freaking month..
The freaking swing is here again. And it's making me a horrible woman..
Saturday, August 14, 2010
colourful sprinkles
Baked again today =) this time round it's over at Nic's place. We started at 4pm and we're still baking..HAHAHA!!! shall upload the pictures later ;)
Friday, August 13, 2010
what hurts the most
Sometimes "what hurts the most" comes from the people that's the closest to you. It could be your parents, siblings. Was yakking away on the phone with Nic, about how our siblings have treated us. Remembered the times when I was so piss with my sisters that I just word vomit on them, throwing them with very hurtful words, that I believed was unbearable. Thinking back now, I've been mindful of my words these days, so in any point in time, when wrong choice of words are exchanged, it dampens my mood pretty much.
Im not saying that Im all prefect and great, at least try to keep your cool. Im trying my best not to get angry these days, trying to control my temper, and be as patient as possible..
I miss the "buka" timing again! ugh..
Korean dramas are ever so disheartening..they always make me cry a lot. So much..
Im not saying that Im all prefect and great, at least try to keep your cool. Im trying my best not to get angry these days, trying to control my temper, and be as patient as possible..
I miss the "buka" timing again! ugh..
Korean dramas are ever so disheartening..they always make me cry a lot. So much..
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Dead log
Came back around 10plus just now and I drop dead on the sofa. I merely sat there to rest my feet, the next thing I know, 4 hours had past. LOL! so embarrassing. Overlooked my roster once again, was suppose to reach briefing room at 0510 instead of 0550, lucky I checked my roster once again after talking to baby on the phone. I still told him confidently that I only need to prepare at 0350 LOL when actual fact I had to prepare by 0310, so yea, it was morning madness once again. There was a freak accident towards terminal 2 looks quite freaky though, the taxi hit a motorcycle, from the look of it, the cab's boot was pretty much dented but the surprising thing was, the motorcycle was in it's upright position but the seat badly damaged, it's believed that the rider has flown quite a distance, because his helmet or something was found quite a distance away.
cab drivers, in the early morning, especially on their way to the airport are the most reckless. It's not the first time such accidents happened.
Feeling pretty hungry right now, but there's nothing at home for me except for instant noodles, hopefully Joleen comes home early today, so she can get me the economic rice =X yes, I'm very lazy, I admit that. And I don't really like to head out whenever I'm home especially during the 7th month.
My eyes are pretty much swelled up right now, because I was watching "Mooncake Resonnace" and I cried my eyes out. Today's episode was how xiao yue was being framed, by Sha jie and Camie.. so hurtful. Ouhh well, now Im feeling sleepy again..
Nap time!
ps: missing you so so much..

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Managed to get the lazy bones out of me and baked. And for a first timer I would say I've done well. =) At least it made me happy, though the first few attempts were burnt. They were still my effort alright.
Was suppose to fast today, but I was so pist over the oven, so it's considered day 1 fasting failed. hmm..
I love the cutie face I made, reminds me of my sotplug. LOL!
coincidental meet up
Was on flight last night, and bumped into Bonnie on my returning sector. It was nice to see familiar faces on flight. She was doing a 6 months internship in Bangalore, imagine that (: it must have been an eye-opener for her. =)
6 months away from home, to a faraway place. If she can do it, so can I =) I've only got 2 more months to go =) hehe.
Didnt manage to catch up with her, and the time ain't right either, it was like 4 plus am in the morning, too tired, and I feel so uncomfortable to be catching up with my friends in my uniform. LOL.
Should have took a picture with her..ugh.
Waiting patiently for the phone call now.. (: while Im watching the mooncake show on cable again. (:
Chance upon a 30 days' 30 letters' project. It's getting me pretty excited. To write a letter everyday to the people mentioned in the list. Sounds pretty interesting and at the same time keep myself occupied. I shall start this project in September. =) so that October reaches me pretty soon. =)
- Your Best Friend
- Your Crush
- Your parents
- Your sibling (or closest relative)
- Your dreams
- A stranger
- Your lover
- Your favourite internet friend
- Someone you wish you could meet
- Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
- A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
- The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
- Someone you wish could forgive you
- Someone you’ve drifted away from
- The person you miss the most
- Someone that’s not in your state/country
- Someone from your childhood
- The person that you wish you could be
- Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
- The one that broke your heart the hardest
- Someone you judged by their first impression
- Someone you want to give a second chance to
- The last person you kissed
- The person that gave you your favorite memory
- The person you know that is going through the worst of times
- The last person you made a pinky promise to
- The friendliest person you knew for only one day
- Someone that changed your life
- The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
- Your reflection in the mirror
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Was suppose to be sleeping soundly right now, but I was up and about. Followed mummy down to pray for the start of the 7th month, followed by my crazy idea of getting an oven..which I've finally did it!! =) on top of it, I've got my ingredients for cookies session today. I'm so damn happy =) finally my own oven =)
But I do feel pretty drained right now, ouh ouh ouh!! and I've collected my specs! =) DOUBLY HAPPY!! and I've done your errands baby =) don't worry.
I can sleep peacefully now, I feel my shoulders aching badly already.
Good nights for real..
But I do feel pretty drained right now, ouh ouh ouh!! and I've collected my specs! =) DOUBLY HAPPY!! and I've done your errands baby =) don't worry.
I can sleep peacefully now, I feel my shoulders aching badly already.
Good nights for real..
Reader Digest
I want to get copies of Reader's Digest, it's pretty entertaining and easy for me to digest. =)
I love the stories and jokes shared in it, it did made my night so so much better. And for now, it's time for bed. Good night world (:
I love the stories and jokes shared in it, it did made my night so so much better. And for now, it's time for bed. Good night world (:
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Saturday, August 07, 2010
cloudy saturday
The weather is so nice to me once again, it's making me so lazy, but I'm not going to just sit in and rot at home today, Im going out. Walk around. Out with non other than my sissy once again. Need to clear my head a little. It's gonna be "make a specs" day. Been dying to get my hands on a new pair of specs for myself. Aint changing the colour though. It's going to be black..
Been like a turtle for a while now, didnt realise there's a few new eateries at Century Sq, what a doink. Ain't having the crave to have sweet food today, but I would love to have a decaf caramel frap ;) ouhh, speaking of it makes me feel so perked up and excited already. :)
It would have been better if you were here with me....
Distance makes the heart grew fonder..why aint Dubai just one stop away from Tampines?.. at least I wont hear so much echo from my heart..
Okay, let's see I've got a few errands on hand to run, and I've to settle lunch, or should I just have that packet of bee hoon that has been lying there since 8 in the morning? Okay better not go on with the food ramblings, I feel the churning..hahas!
Sasa is having "buy 1 get 1 free.." I'm loving it ;) can anyone be a kind soul and let me know when does the strawberry hair curls at Sasa will come in?, it's been OOS for a long time now..UGH.
Alrights got to go now,

Where has everyone gone?, I see tons of breakfast in the kitchen, but no one's in sight. It was merely a long island tea last night, but it made me feel like crap inside. It's been a while since I puked. UGH.
Stupid Jo.
Stupid Jo.
Friday, August 06, 2010
comfy & lazy
My eyes are are half open right now as I typed away, Im actually looing at the keyboard than the screen, so I wonder if there'll be any mistakes in the words, but I dont care, I just felt like typing away since I've been sseating here after the phone call from baby. LOL!! It's been a while since I missed his calls, LOL. As he has some particular ringing tone assigned for him, so whenever that song starts I'll be able to jump up and answer his call, apparently lazy bone today almost coulnd't hear it. hahahaha. And for that I got reminded, a STERN WARNING, NO MORE TAKING MC HOR..TOO MANY ALREADY..LOL orhh yes bi..
My eyes are getting smaller as I sit on my rattan chair, or whatever chair is this, it's making me feel so comfortable with my legs crossed I just feel like sleeping back once again. Lucky Im feeling hungry right now, I'll have MacDonald after I finish bathing, it was bought from mum last night, as my hunger died off last night, so I kept it for now, which I guess was a right choic. At least it makes me move my butt out of the chair for FOOD. lol.
K gotta go prepare now, wonder how many error in this entry..LOL!!!!
Ouhh, note to self..not to open the door anymore. There is no ice-cream outside. LOL.. dang..
sleepy eyes...with itchy throat that is giving me hell, if only I can use something to scrape that throat of mine.
My eyes are getting smaller as I sit on my rattan chair, or whatever chair is this, it's making me feel so comfortable with my legs crossed I just feel like sleeping back once again. Lucky Im feeling hungry right now, I'll have MacDonald after I finish bathing, it was bought from mum last night, as my hunger died off last night, so I kept it for now, which I guess was a right choic. At least it makes me move my butt out of the chair for FOOD. lol.
K gotta go prepare now, wonder how many error in this entry..LOL!!!!
Ouhh, note to self..not to open the door anymore. There is no ice-cream outside. LOL.. dang..
sleepy eyes...with itchy throat that is giving me hell, if only I can use something to scrape that throat of mine.
Thursday, August 05, 2010
I remember what love said..
Kill me I cried..when love said-No.
It's difficult to explain everything when it's regrading matters of the heart. We gain some we lose some. We gain love we gain hatred, it depends.. LOVE is quite deadly I would say. It makes you and breaks you. I believe certain point in life, everyone has been through this love hate situation where it left you feeling so helpless/so blissful. 2 sides of everything. I've been in both situations, I understand how it actually feels, the irony of it.. I chose to listen to my heart.
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Gonna stay up tonight to company Jo. She's having her Art prelim's tomorrow,so she's doing some prep work.. hmm they've got 2 prelims before the O levels, so much better off than my time. Wonder how's the school system like these days. Damn, Im hungry right now, and Im having cravings!!! apparently Im craving for mooncake now. LOL superbly random.
2 months down, 2 more to go!! =)
2 months down, 2 more to go!! =)
Monday, August 02, 2010
I dont like what I hear. Not a single thing of it. Now I'm so worried =(
Please, I pray that nothing happens. I can't take this kind of joke, I have a weak heart.
Please, I pray that nothing happens. I can't take this kind of joke, I have a weak heart.
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Sometimes it gets to me when I'm not able to get my point across to others because what I've said to them, might cause a reverse effect, or maybe even backfire at me.
It has happen to me so many times, I just shut down. I just chose not to explain further anymore. If you know me well enough, I will try means and ways to let you understand my point, because I myself feel that communication is so freaking important, it's like the freaking basic foundation.
I have this overwhelming feeling that, people needs to understand my point, and not jump into their own conclusion of what I'm thinking or have to say.
I don't like to be misunderstood, but after certain incidence of the past.. I realise I grew out of it. If they wish to misunderstand me the way they perceive it, then I'll let it be. It shows how much you understand me. If you have uncertainties, clear it with me, trash it out. But if you think it's pointless, or have your own perception of me that you strongly believe in, then shouldn't I save my breath?..because you have already judged me, and gave me the death sentence.
It has happen to me so many times, I just shut down. I just chose not to explain further anymore. If you know me well enough, I will try means and ways to let you understand my point, because I myself feel that communication is so freaking important, it's like the freaking basic foundation.
I have this overwhelming feeling that, people needs to understand my point, and not jump into their own conclusion of what I'm thinking or have to say.
I don't like to be misunderstood, but after certain incidence of the past.. I realise I grew out of it. If they wish to misunderstand me the way they perceive it, then I'll let it be. It shows how much you understand me. If you have uncertainties, clear it with me, trash it out. But if you think it's pointless, or have your own perception of me that you strongly believe in, then shouldn't I save my breath?..because you have already judged me, and gave me the death sentence.
NDP Preview

Nothing beats the actual performance, but I'm glad I was able to see the preview live at Padang. I miss those kind of atmosphere, where I've lost it like, when I was in Primary 5?. I remembered being so excited over NDP when I was young, my family never failed to gather together and watch the parade live on tv. That happened back then when all my uncle and aunt's were living together at my grandmother's place. It was fun, I miss those family bonding. Those were the days, when I will never be home alone. There's bound to be someone home, to company me, have dinner with me, and watch tv with.
Or it could have been that I was still young, thus I enjoyed everyone's presence..well times has change so does everyone else. I remembered having my mum make jellies in the fridge before the telecast on tv, so that we'll be able to enjoy the chilled jellies while all of us glue our eyes to the tv and having the non-interruption period for snacks or what nots.
Today, while my sis and myself were waiting for the parade to start, all this small little images came back to me, as though it happened yesterday. Im not saying that Im being patriotic or what so ever, I just miss having so much fun with my family..
There's way too much pictures to handle..LOL, gotta sort them out now.. =)
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