Sunday, August 01, 2010


Sometimes it gets to me when I'm not able to get my point across to others because what I've said to them, might cause a reverse effect, or maybe even backfire at me.

It has happen to me so many times, I just shut down. I just chose not to explain further anymore. If you know me well enough, I will try means and ways to let you understand my point, because I myself feel that communication is so freaking important, it's like the freaking basic foundation.
I have this overwhelming feeling that, people needs to understand my point, and not jump into their own conclusion of what I'm thinking or have to say.

I don't like to be misunderstood, but after certain incidence of the past.. I realise I grew out of it. If they wish to misunderstand me the way they perceive it, then I'll let it be. It shows how much you understand me. If you have uncertainties, clear it with me, trash it out. But if you think it's pointless, or have your own perception of me that you strongly believe in, then shouldn't I save my breath?..because you have already judged me, and gave me the death sentence.

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