Been like a turtle for a while now, didnt realise there's a few new eateries at Century Sq, what a doink. Ain't having the crave to have sweet food today, but I would love to have a decaf caramel frap ;) ouhh, speaking of it makes me feel so perked up and excited already. :)
It would have been better if you were here with me....
Distance makes the heart grew fonder..why aint Dubai just one stop away from Tampines?.. at least I wont hear so much echo from my heart..
Okay, let's see I've got a few errands on hand to run, and I've to settle lunch, or should I just have that packet of bee hoon that has been lying there since 8 in the morning? Okay better not go on with the food ramblings, I feel the churning..hahas!
Sasa is having "buy 1 get 1 free.." I'm loving it ;) can anyone be a kind soul and let me know when does the strawberry hair curls at Sasa will come in?, it's been OOS for a long time now..UGH.
Alrights got to go now,

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