Well i just got back home after fetching my sis back from school..she had fever and was stuck in the sick bay..thus i've got to rescue her..lol..
let's back track..
Accompanied sh to a few shops ytd..and she got her "gift"..hahas..after which..met Audrey..companied her down to Novena..we didnt had to get out of Novena as we saw her cousin whom, her friend wanted to head down to the headquarters for an interview..so all Audrey had to do was to pass her the stuff and off we head to next destination..
We went there to look for yvonne at the same time..Aud went for the interview..
von was real hyper ytd..seems like after her clubbin session..she cant stop dancing..
she was dancing away ytd when we saw her at her store..wahahs..
i bought a white watch..hahas..i knda like it alot..but still it cant replace my adidas..hahas..
After everything..Aud and i head back to Tamp..it's time for our GYM session..LOL..yes i've said GYM!!..hahhas..
On our way to the GYm..i saw her..what a day!..i'm not sure what was her problem..but she still has that look back then in school..well..can u wake up girl?!!..no one lives in the past?!!..and her stupid POPEYE friend..trust u to have this kind of friend..the sight of that POPEYE irks me..yucks..
Oh well forget about it..it's ur lost girl..not mine.. ;p
We hit the GYM and finished after about an hour plus nearing 2?..Aud did the treadmills for full 20mins..while i went around doing the weights and stuff..hahahs..LOADS of nonsense happened..
hahhas..before we did the treadmill..we tried doing cruches and sit-ups..we tried hooking on to each other's leg and proceed with our sit-ups..but i cant help it but kept laughing..hahahs..so full of nonsense..there were many people there ytd night..thus causing me and aud a little shy..hahahs..
After our gym session we took pics..lol..and headed for....erm.........dinner..
LOL..well i ate Bah Chor Mee..and Aud Yong Tau Hu soup..she wasted her rice..hahas..
and yeap..i headed home..
rest,watch tv,upload pics
took med..and i doze off real soon..
alriights shall upload some pics..
and back to tv..hehe :)
oh yupps! it's dear off day today..so i'm gonna company him..;)
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