Saturday, June 30, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
I didnt sleep the night before, after our conversation I was actually awake throughout the whole night.
Surprisingly, Paul,Mas, Char and a few others were still awake. Paul needed some attention, lol he was bored..oh ya! yanlin was online too, was doing her assignment. Felt kinda bored so I played audition with Paul..LOL you NOOB! hahas..around 4plus? Aud came online! woot! hahas so Paul, Aud and I chatted for a while..
So yeap, I left home around 6.30 rushed to the 7-11 to get sandwich and mineral water for monster.
Reached his place at 7, called him all the way till 8 =(( No choice gotta ask Paul to do me a favour and call his place.Sorry Paul, but I was half expecting that to happen, since I myself got it before.
Monster called me at 8.15am, he's gonna miss his 1st class so he'll only attend the second one which is like at 2pm. So, I left. No doubt he asked if I wanted to go up his place, I was like thinking, nah, I'm afraid of his mum.
Judging from his voice, he's still in his ' very sleepy state ' so I left.
Yes, I'm stupid for trying to give him a surprise, my intention was to get him breakfast and 'send' him to school. ARGH. Crap. =( Bad move.
So off I went to TP to meet up with Paul and the rest. Since Paul did me a favour of calling up his place. I gave him one of the sandwich. hahas, it's CLUB sandwich okay..appreciate that!..
Slacked with them for a while, and JH send me home.
Eve you still look as pretty as before!!! ugh, any secret formula for great skin?
-A day at TP
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I've been eating these gummies for the whole day, and now my tooth hurts. The pain is dreadful, it's like as though it's gonna drop off!..not sure if it's due to hallucination?? my tooth seems to be like shaking?! =( I'm scared!!! ROAR!!!!
Suppose to meet monster, but my ez link got no more $$ to grant me any rides.. =(( So I've got to forgo Clementi. Wonder where is he now, he's phone is flat, I can't contact him =((
I'm sorry that I lied, but I dont like the idea of taking money from you. Hope you understand that. It's just not right.
*Ouch* my tooth really hurts. Been doing nothing but gaming the whole day. Uh-oh =(
One off day gone just like that. How will it be like tomorrow?..What is Joanne gonna do tomorrow?..
Feel like tanning, but I cant =( feel like going out to slack but I cant =( It's LADIES NIGHT TONIGHT! and I cant. It's always the monetary problem. Did my maths, and I've realise that I cant spend like the way I wish I could. Haiya! whinning and more whinning, my life isnt organised, back to the same crap.
Hmmm, feel like packing my study room tomorrow, maybe pack my wardrobe too?, get rid of some dumb clothes.. Oh well..

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Im off tomorrow and Thur!! =)) hmmm, but I don't think I'll be heading anywhere.
Hmmm, stay home to sleep? =x LOL
My hand seems to be hurting alot these days. I can't really twist my hand when I turn it.Even reaching into the pocket to get my card is giving me problem. I guess seeing the sinseh is necessary this time round.
Maybe after I get my pay then I'll visit.. Ouch.
Seen this quote on some fella's blog.
" There is no right one out there..We just got to love the right way.."
How true is that? hahas..
TV!!! =))
Monday, June 25, 2007
It was my long awaited Family Day once again, where all my relatives come together for a lil get together, we were all gathered at Allson Hotel to celebrate the 'June Babies' birthdays.
The people are..
-> Grandpa
-> Zachary
-> Joleen
It was a buffet from 11am till 5pm. So my family was the second to reach, so yea. Mum got all excited and brought back mountains of food each time she went near it..
I was practically forcing food down. ARGH, kinda embarrassing too, so typical Singaporean. gosh. =x
Soon after..bout 1plus my other two families came down..woot` and the picture spree started!! hahas..=)
I only got a few in my phone, the rest are all with my sis.
The rascals were so much fun, they brighten up my day =)))
Will upload the pictures tonight.
The buffet was really worth the money, besides the fact that my mum was a 'Kiasu Queen' it was only bout 23 per person after the triple+++. Isnt it worth it?
After the feast, Jo and I went to Bugis St as I need to trim my brows, it's too messy LOL..
We were like ZOMBIES after I've trimmed my borws, we just banged our way through the MRT station.
Feeling so exhausted, I still wanted to go to the gym. So I messaged everyone, and only 3 replied. IDIOTS!
So there was Ken,Willkie,Daryl and myself. We were there for like only a mere 1hr plus?
and headed for dinner at Subway, Jz met us up for dinner. Imagine I could still take down 6-inch honey oat with tuna. OMG.
Now I feel so bloated. hhahs, there is girl, an ang moh. She wanted Jz's no. hahas, said that he was cute.
We shall bring JZ back there again this week! =x
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Im always. ALWAYS. Kept in the dark.
I hate this. WHY MUST IT HAPPEN ON ME! =(
Is this my retribution? Why is GOD so cruel.
GOD why are YOU doing this to me? Will it make me a stronger person?
It's crumbling my life?. Why do I have to learn life through this way?
*Im beginning to hate you.How am I gonna face you?
Mas is playing "Gof of War" while I'm just sitting around using Dar's laptop. hmmm, finally had the celebration for him at " Lemon 3 Thai " well all I can say is, the celebration was "alright".
Why I said that?..well cause I kinda screwed it up..
At first it was the " waiting time " part, cus not really everyone has reached the place, so I thought maybe it would be nicer to bring the birthday boy for a walk first before everyone has arrived.
My idea was like to give Daryl a lil surprise to see people there for his birthday dinner.
But I didnt told Ken my plan, so it was like..hmmm he was kinda pist?.. hmm SORRY KEN..
Oh well, that was my first mistake, second it was "The cake joke". Not sure why but I was kinda pist.
Maybe this whole birthday celebration took me a while to prepare?..but Daryl is not making things easy for me, since he can read my mind like a book. He kinda knows exactly what I was gonna do.
Sad to say, I find that this year's celebration was kinda sucky. =(
Wasnt really a perfect one. I know Daryl's upset, but I've really run out of brain juice to figure new surprises..
I feel so lousy, told myself not to cry, but my tears drop the minute I hear them joking about it.
Hey, it's not like I'm a baker, this is my first time baking a cake ON MY OWN! so yea.. if you dont appreciate it, dont criticise it.. =(
Well maybe 'criticise' is kinda strong word to use, but somewhere along that line.
Wanted to surprise him last night, at the storke of 12. But my attempt failed, cus I could not hail a single cab at all, waited for like 15mins below my house, before I could get one.
Then I had to blow the ballons, stick the paper on the wall, it turned out to be in a mess..
I felt shitty about it. =(
I feel so lousy! argh =(
Before my tears start rolling down once again.
I better stop here..
Thursday, June 21, 2007
" I look as though I really have alot to think, but on actual grounds I'm just very shallow. "
I just don't get it.. even if it has nothing to do with those stuff.. still? I was lost for words, no word vomit at all.
I just kept very very quiet. Tears started to fill my eyes once again.
I'm not asking alot do I?..
What is so deadly that I would NEVER KNOW? and even if I did, it will already be too late...
I'm feeling a lil disappointed..My eyes hurts.
Alright, I guess I feeling better typing it out. I need to/ I got to. Else I cant carry on.
ARGH. The cramps are not making me feel any better. =((
Why is it there are such bad predicaments? =(
All I just wanted to do was to ... argh =(( please make it turn out smoothly.
I might just break down anytime.
" What you don't know doesn't kill you "
But honestly. It already did.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Thinking of too many stuffs.
Went to school this morning to do my retest paper and headed back home to sleep.
No idea why I brought the helmet to school either.
I'm going to miss the application once again.ARGH =(
Knew of it too late.
When hand and floor meets.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
No doubt we don't know each other, but we have common flaws. Ha, what crap.
The pictures are sweet, certain stuff mentioned brought back memories to me.hahas..
Nothing much from Ms Anonymous. [ My Best Wishes ]
Work was "not so boring" I guess?. Kept myself real occupied, doing stuff you wont believe Joanne will do.
Yes, I kept myself busy- for a moment. I wana go Thailand =(
Cristelle is a nice girl, easy to talk to, talked bout almost everything..
What is it like now?..
Is it really my fault to be like this. [ Yea ]
Is it wrong for the person to be like this now? [ No ]
Conclusion : [ Joanne has died ]
Just came back from school, went to have lunch at East Link with the girls.
I'm exhausted, but I've got work later, hmmm..
Nothing much happened in school today, I was only looking forward for PIE lesson.
Finally we've completed the movie-" Pay It Forward ". I liked the ending. No doubt the lil boy died.
But at least he manage to "Fix" people, or should I say, change?..
I'm gonna rest now.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
It's SUNDAY!! =)

Saturday, June 09, 2007
5 Star Chicken Rice
My day was spent at home doing practically- NOTHING.
Cept for the daily chores which I cant escape.
At least I went out last night. That moron came back home, shouting and yelling.
I couldnt take it, I just went out.
Met up with Mas and Josh, as I haven had anything the whole day, I suggested supper.
They brought me to 5 star Chic. Rice. SHIOK!!!! ahahs.., it's located at Katong.
We ordered half chicken, mei cai kou rou, salad you tiao, kidney?..hahas, ermm, I guess that's about it.
After which we head down to the NTUC, checked out the magazines..
Lindsay Lohan was arrested for consuming cocaine, her car hit some lampost or something?..hahas..
After the pit stop, we went Yishun Dam. WOOO, there were loads of CARS and I mean ALOT!..
But nothing much, so I fell asleep real soon. hahas..
So we headed to JLK, had some drinks and we just felt like riding bike once again.
Therefore, Paul's place was next. He's bike was better to sit on?..
But he needs to change alot of stuff..hahas, esp his sexy horn. HAHAHA..
Slacked a while, and we went home.
That boy was out clubbing yesterday.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Blogger is giving me problems..
Been a long time since I've changed my template, so I thought it was time for me to change.
Hmmm, didnt took me long to settle on one though.
Woke up real late today; 3plus.
Let's talk about yesterday..
Finally, after a week of rest, I was back working at Ben n Jerry. Marisa was like saying, how long haven you been working??..weeks/months?..hahaha..
Was working with Mai and Marisa for closing. Hmm, I feel that I'm a lil difficult to start conversation with huh??..
People are saying that I'm "DAO" difficult to approach..hmmm..
Is it that way, or people just simply dont feel like talking to me?..Oh wells.
I'm not really a people person at times myself I guess??
But I dont feel that left out last night while working, so yea. =)
Oh yea! There was quite a commotion yesterday at Pasir Ris MRT station.
There were ambulance,police cars and civil defense.
Kenny,Mai and myself were like thinking, giving our own conclusion of what's the commotion were all about.
We all agreed; someone commited suicide. Hahas, there was like groups of NOSY buggers, waiting to see what is going to happen next.
After about an hour or so?..We saw police officers about hmmm, 4-5 of them?..with a indian guy?..looks like terrorist to me..LOL.Well, not sure what really did happened. And the guy was sent into the ambulance on hand-cuffs and that was it. Up to you guys to decide.
Met up with Mas,Josh and Jz to slack.
I rode, or should I say start up?..hahas..anyway. I was on Jz's bike.
I was having real difficult time to kickstart the bike. The 3 of them had to hold on to the bike while I did the kickstart.
They were like telling me, "ZAM the thing..!!" and I was trying my very best to "ZAM". LOL. But my attempt failed. So Jz helped me, he kickstart the bike, I had to hold on to the clutch and the breaks. Slowly release the clutch and trottle, I guess I'm having some cordination problems and the bike stalled. LOL.
Man, my legs feel wobbly. Hahas..
Cant wait for Sunday to arrive. Mum is coming back. =))
Been doing the laundry's and washing of the dishes. My hands feels so old now.
I miss you mum.
You've been real busy lately.