I've been eating these gummies for the whole day, and now my tooth hurts. The pain is dreadful, it's like as though it's gonna drop off!..not sure if it's due to hallucination?? my tooth seems to be like shaking?! =( I'm scared!!! ROAR!!!!
Suppose to meet monster, but my ez link got no more $$ to grant me any rides.. =(( So I've got to forgo Clementi. Wonder where is he now, he's phone is flat, I can't contact him =((
I'm sorry that I lied, but I dont like the idea of taking money from you. Hope you understand that. It's just not right.
*Ouch* my tooth really hurts. Been doing nothing but gaming the whole day. Uh-oh =(
One off day gone just like that. How will it be like tomorrow?..What is Joanne gonna do tomorrow?..
Feel like tanning, but I cant =( feel like going out to slack but I cant =( It's LADIES NIGHT TONIGHT! and I cant. It's always the monetary problem. Did my maths, and I've realise that I cant spend like the way I wish I could. Haiya! whinning and more whinning, my life isnt organised, back to the same crap.
Hmmm, feel like packing my study room tomorrow, maybe pack my wardrobe too?, get rid of some dumb clothes.. Oh well..
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