Finally I've watched "The Simpsons" =)
Thankew Van =)) luckily I didnt catch it in theatres else I'll be quite f%$^ up. hahas.
Overall, not bad rate it 2.5 out of 5? cus the duration was way too short.
Went to have dinner with the old neighbour,spb,sy and jx. We went " Techno" ahas. Chicken cutlet rice was damn filling. Jx's puppy is damn cute!!!! Omg and I didnt take pic of it!!! but at least I got to hug it =)) Extremely cute!! cuter than my monster. I wonder... monster. Ha.
So the world is real small, everyone knows everyone. =)
Was working morning shift today, nothing much happened, just that I had difficulty consuming my lunch.
[Tomorrow 1 Sept ]
Will be heading down to "Allson Hotel" to have buffet with my mum and dad. =) woot! buffet =)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Hi! I'm back =) I simply didnt left the computer after blogging, instead I went ahead with changing the blog's template hmmm blog hopped, hmmm, read my past entries. I feel like deleting my past entries. It makes me think alot. So much, too much. People might had moved on faster than I know it. And everytime I hit my 2006 entries, I'm stuck again. Not as if things will go back the way it is.
No Im not being emo here. Nope. Not at all.
People are talking bout musics/songs that held great memories. Be it with someone you love, someone who have just left you, someone/something/some fateful events. It just makes you repeat that song over and over again.Ha!
Currently the song " Dying inside to Hold You" is playing in my head. Ha! Is it the title anyway? hahas.
Followed by " What Hurts The Most "
Meeting Van at 2 later, heading down to the library to study. Yeap. I wanna be there to MUG HARD man.
I guess in total there will be 3 entries today. Hahas, another one would be after the mugging session.
Aite, gotta go prepare.
No Im not being emo here. Nope. Not at all.
People are talking bout musics/songs that held great memories. Be it with someone you love, someone who have just left you, someone/something/some fateful events. It just makes you repeat that song over and over again.Ha!
Currently the song " Dying inside to Hold You" is playing in my head. Ha! Is it the title anyway? hahas.
Followed by " What Hurts The Most "
Meeting Van at 2 later, heading down to the library to study. Yeap. I wanna be there to MUG HARD man.
I guess in total there will be 3 entries today. Hahas, another one would be after the mugging session.
Aite, gotta go prepare.
Marginal Costing,Eu and % ??!!
Alright so I've woke up early today, and I realise it's time to study. LOL like so late larr! argh..
Okay, so I decided to start off with Costing, getting the hang of it I guess?. Well, 2hours of Costing and I've only completed like 4 or 5 questions? Kinda PATHETIC. Oh wells, what to do? Joanne hasnt been attending lessons frequently. So she has to thank herself for that.
So the temptation of touching the computer hit me when I finished doing the bloody Process 2 thingy. LOL.
Distractions are always bad. I shall continue mugging after this entry.
I wanna get my treat for doing well in my exams! lol.
Okay 1 more week and it's EXAMS and bloody Edmond still have the cheek to ask me out to Zouk last night! lol! please study dude! Exams are coming! like REAL SOON.
All the best everyone.
A long day in school, 3 hours of accounts and 1 hour of costing.
Stayed back after school to study a lil more. Joke of the Day happened once again.
Zara and Van both went to get ice cream. Both came back each an ice cream cone. Van had raspberry flavour while Zara had cookies and cream. Hahas, girl!! I guess you licked it too hard!! hahaha. Zara's ice cream went straight to the floor. LOL. Just look at her expression..

Okay, so I decided to start off with Costing, getting the hang of it I guess?. Well, 2hours of Costing and I've only completed like 4 or 5 questions? Kinda PATHETIC. Oh wells, what to do? Joanne hasnt been attending lessons frequently. So she has to thank herself for that.
So the temptation of touching the computer hit me when I finished doing the bloody Process 2 thingy. LOL.
Distractions are always bad. I shall continue mugging after this entry.
I wanna get my treat for doing well in my exams! lol.
Okay 1 more week and it's EXAMS and bloody Edmond still have the cheek to ask me out to Zouk last night! lol! please study dude! Exams are coming! like REAL SOON.
All the best everyone.
A long day in school, 3 hours of accounts and 1 hour of costing.
Stayed back after school to study a lil more. Joke of the Day happened once again.
Zara and Van both went to get ice cream. Both came back each an ice cream cone. Van had raspberry flavour while Zara had cookies and cream. Hahas, girl!! I guess you licked it too hard!! hahaha. Zara's ice cream went straight to the floor. LOL. Just look at her expression..

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
A Card
Skipped school once again. Woke up kinda late, met Aud around 3 plus to head down to I Vic to sign the contract, but they were a lil disorganised, so yea. Kinda wasted trip down. After that headed to TM to walk around, had bubble tea =) hmmmmm nice.. SY was nice enough to send me to Safra, hahas. SORRY! I was very late..hahas.But I guess the CCCD and NYSFC made it up.hahas!
Was walking round in circles, back and fro through TM and CS.
Headed to Toy R Us to have some fun with Aud..hahas.. She's more kiddo than me!..
From there I remebered, soccer times and fights, and forcing me to look at the dolls..
Then we headed to NTUC, haha! my Favourite place to just walk around aimlessly, from grocceries to mag to tidbits.Then followed by CS's Nokia Care Centre..then Clinique, hmmm. Kinda forgotten our route, hahas.
Niwae, we parted ways around 7pm. She went to meet her Ah Lao, while I went to meet the NQMM, hahas.
Crapped alot at Starbucks when this familiar face popped by.
My heartbeat stopped. I held my breath and smiled.
It's like we've become strangers. That familiar feeling, instead of the usual running up to you and give you a hug. I remained where I was and smiled.
When I got back home, my sis passed me a card.
Instantly I knew who it was from.
Thankew people =) both you and you. =)
Appreciate it alot, thankew =))
Was walking round in circles, back and fro through TM and CS.
Headed to Toy R Us to have some fun with Aud..hahas.. She's more kiddo than me!..
From there I remebered, soccer times and fights, and forcing me to look at the dolls..
Then we headed to NTUC, haha! my Favourite place to just walk around aimlessly, from grocceries to mag to tidbits.Then followed by CS's Nokia Care Centre..then Clinique, hmmm. Kinda forgotten our route, hahas.
Niwae, we parted ways around 7pm. She went to meet her Ah Lao, while I went to meet the NQMM, hahas.
Crapped alot at Starbucks when this familiar face popped by.
My heartbeat stopped. I held my breath and smiled.
It's like we've become strangers. That familiar feeling, instead of the usual running up to you and give you a hug. I remained where I was and smiled.
When I got back home, my sis passed me a card.
Instantly I knew who it was from.
Thankew people =) both you and you. =)
Appreciate it alot, thankew =))
Monday, August 27, 2007
Monday BLUES again
It's Monday once again. Argh.
Met up with the ladies last night after work, headed down to FISHERMAN, to celebrate Cactus Birthday.
6 girls no guys =)
We had zi char, hahaha. NEVER EVER GO THERE TO EAT! Found baby maggot in Kiku's rice.YUCKS.
Everything there was overpriced. Im not going there ever again. No Fisherman, unless we're there for drinks, or maybe I'll only dine at Watercross. hahas.
Sher bought a choc cake fro Beijing cake shop, hahas.
Met up with the ladies last night after work, headed down to FISHERMAN, to celebrate Cactus Birthday.
6 girls no guys =)
We had zi char, hahaha. NEVER EVER GO THERE TO EAT! Found baby maggot in Kiku's rice.YUCKS.
Everything there was overpriced. Im not going there ever again. No Fisherman, unless we're there for drinks, or maybe I'll only dine at Watercross. hahas.
Sher bought a choc cake fro Beijing cake shop, hahas.
Friday, August 24, 2007
It's All Over
Finally a reply. Though it's just
[ Sorry]
At least it was a reply. I'm not asking alot anymore. At least a reply. I just let the tears flow. Cried myself to sleep.
It's totally over. A part of me felt that this shouldnt had happened if I didnt open my big mouth. If only I give it a more thorough thought. But it's only the "If". I guess you need time for yourself too.
People said I've changed yet I can't feel/see it. She called me last night. Been a long time since I hear from her. We talked about lots of stuff, we touched on r/s, work, memories.
Yea memory lane is a killer. I think of this, and that and those. Ha. Will I ever be remembered by people, or I'm just some footprints in the sand that gets washed away by the minutes?..
I guess for the time being, I'll just concentrate on my exams and work.
I dont need memory lane for the time being. I dont wanna killmyself again.
[ Sorry]
At least it was a reply. I'm not asking alot anymore. At least a reply. I just let the tears flow. Cried myself to sleep.
It's totally over. A part of me felt that this shouldnt had happened if I didnt open my big mouth. If only I give it a more thorough thought. But it's only the "If". I guess you need time for yourself too.
People said I've changed yet I can't feel/see it. She called me last night. Been a long time since I hear from her. We talked about lots of stuff, we touched on r/s, work, memories.
Yea memory lane is a killer. I think of this, and that and those. Ha. Will I ever be remembered by people, or I'm just some footprints in the sand that gets washed away by the minutes?..
I guess for the time being, I'll just concentrate on my exams and work.
I dont need memory lane for the time being. I dont wanna killmyself again.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Dont Look Back In Anger.
Blog hopped and Ryan!! your blog's song rawks! =)
Dont look back in anger. Remember hearing this song back then at NP.
[ 10.45 am]
Had fire drill today, my god. This nonsense exist in ITE. hahas. Haiya!! waste of time and we're basked under the hot sun for bout 10mins. Van reacted fast! hahas, she went to cafe 1 straight after to find seats for us =)
So after lunch we continued with the movie " American History X " this is some kick ass show that kinda set an impression in me. About the world these days. The cultural difference, the stereotype people.
The typical racist. This is sensitive topic to touch on. Like what I've learned. To challenge the topic. I've did this kinda conversation with you before, but it didnt work out. So yea. Personal difference.
[3.40 pm]
I went to take a short nap, but I kinda slept a lil longer than set. I woke up at 7.40pm
4 messeages received. Non from MON.D
Went out to have dinner with mum.I wasnt hungry but just felt like taking a walk outside.
Ended up having Chicken Chop for dinner. TSK! =(
Watched the " getai" hahas. Was hoping for the song that was sung in 881. But nope. NON.
Started with accounts Set 1 and Im still stuck. There are 4 more sets awaiting me.
Argh. Back to it.
A quiet night today, my phone seems dead. Oh yea! talking bout my phone. It dropped! slipped off my hands. It went straight onto the cold and hard FLOOR. argh.
Cool! My phone finally rang! lol.
1 message received. [ LHW ]
Back to accounts.
Dont look back in anger. Remember hearing this song back then at NP.
[ 10.45 am]
Had fire drill today, my god. This nonsense exist in ITE. hahas. Haiya!! waste of time and we're basked under the hot sun for bout 10mins. Van reacted fast! hahas, she went to cafe 1 straight after to find seats for us =)
So after lunch we continued with the movie " American History X " this is some kick ass show that kinda set an impression in me. About the world these days. The cultural difference, the stereotype people.
The typical racist. This is sensitive topic to touch on. Like what I've learned. To challenge the topic. I've did this kinda conversation with you before, but it didnt work out. So yea. Personal difference.
[3.40 pm]
I went to take a short nap, but I kinda slept a lil longer than set. I woke up at 7.40pm
4 messeages received. Non from MON.D
Went out to have dinner with mum.I wasnt hungry but just felt like taking a walk outside.
Ended up having Chicken Chop for dinner. TSK! =(
Watched the " getai" hahas. Was hoping for the song that was sung in 881. But nope. NON.
Started with accounts Set 1 and Im still stuck. There are 4 more sets awaiting me.
Argh. Back to it.
A quiet night today, my phone seems dead. Oh yea! talking bout my phone. It dropped! slipped off my hands. It went straight onto the cold and hard FLOOR. argh.
Cool! My phone finally rang! lol.
1 message received. [ LHW ]
Back to accounts.
Does It Really Matters?
To me it does. It matters alot.But you will never understand, I'll never try again.
Was dead tired today. Not really paying much attention during lesson, I was literally copying.
Wasnt being in self-denial.Yet, I was stoned. Guess Im just tired.
Met up with Fen after sch, headed down to the wake. Ming Wei, stay strong yar?. Life is fragile, life and death is just a cycle people will eventually go through. We'll be there for you. Everyone.
After these few days.
The memories are fading.
Was dead tired today. Not really paying much attention during lesson, I was literally copying.
Wasnt being in self-denial.Yet, I was stoned. Guess Im just tired.
Met up with Fen after sch, headed down to the wake. Ming Wei, stay strong yar?. Life is fragile, life and death is just a cycle people will eventually go through. We'll be there for you. Everyone.
After these few days.
The memories are fading.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Slow Down.

Alright alright slow down... this is the part I like of the song. hahas.
Hi everyone I'm back!!!! Hi Harry!! lol ;)
Been a very long week for me. Having "holidays" lol. Self-proclaimed one. =p
Now im in VERY DEEP SHIT just hope my name doesnt appear on the wrong list-Debarment.
So I've been spending time alone with myself alot. Discovering me. Okay bullshit.hahas.I'm just practically stoned.Hadnt been resting enough, my minds' in total BLANK.
Been jotting down what has been happening to me this days in my sketch book I bought, now it follows me wherever I go. In a way it helps me remember every single lil detail. I like it. It's like a diary to me. So I guess I wont be here bullshitting that much anymore. Dont miss me! hahas.
So I've caught 2 days of fireworks. Cactus! what happened to you?..are you okay?
But sad to say, both days wasnt in full view. But nah, it's okay =) at least I got to watch it.
Friday was spent with the gfs,zf,sheng yi,weijie.LOL.
Whereas for ytd, it was spent alone.
I asked Ade out to study at Marina.Hadnt seen that girl for so long.AGES man. But I was touched when she said, among the 3 of us, she's still closest to me. See, no doubt the distance, close friends never falls apart. =)
Im touched for that.Really.
She was there more to study, so the minute I heard "BOM!" she look at me, smiled and said "go los..=) "
I ran all the way to the sec level and caught the fireworks. While watching the fireworks, memories filled me in. I was in between couples there. Felt so out of place. But nah, my attention wasnt on them. The view was blocked quite badly, but I manage to get a glimpse of those that were shot up high into the sky. Definately nicer than Fridays'
After the fireworks, went back to chat/catch up with Ade, we had like so much to talk about. The minute we saw each other, we just blabber on and on and on. LOL. Till I felt so drained after so much talking. hahas.
Hais the good old days.
Soon it was time to head home.
Good old Sy companied me home, reason being-escort. LOL. Thankew =)
Alrights shall continue later,
Late for work.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Singapore is freaking small. I wont be surprise if everyone knows EVERYONE.
I've found the girl that worked at Cartel, that girl that took picture with us in year 2004.
She's non other than Jessica!! hahaha, She sure changed alot. A pretty woman now. Seriously. It happened on the 20th of Dec 2004. When Mantianal celebrated my birthday at Tamp's Cartel. Wait till I dig out that picture!! lol!. There's more than meets the eyes, I know her ex bf too..LOL. OMG. Bloody small world it is.
It's Monday tomorrow =(
Back to school. Back to the stressful period. At least something to keep me busy.
Not much sales today, May's back to her normal self. =) Damn hilarious today, had alot of fun..
After work, rushed down to DTE to meet up with the NQMM, its Fraggy's birthday! =)
Sorry Fraggy, couldnt stay long. Hope you enjoy yourself yarr..
[ Xiao Kel, Mong and Me =) ]
Oh yea, the gate of Hell opens tomorrow night at 11pm. Kids, please stay indoors after 7pm.
I've found the girl that worked at Cartel, that girl that took picture with us in year 2004.
She's non other than Jessica!! hahaha, She sure changed alot. A pretty woman now. Seriously. It happened on the 20th of Dec 2004. When Mantianal celebrated my birthday at Tamp's Cartel. Wait till I dig out that picture!! lol!. There's more than meets the eyes, I know her ex bf too..LOL. OMG. Bloody small world it is.
It's Monday tomorrow =(
Back to school. Back to the stressful period. At least something to keep me busy.
Not much sales today, May's back to her normal self. =) Damn hilarious today, had alot of fun..
After work, rushed down to DTE to meet up with the NQMM, its Fraggy's birthday! =)
Sorry Fraggy, couldnt stay long. Hope you enjoy yourself yarr..

Oh yea, the gate of Hell opens tomorrow night at 11pm. Kids, please stay indoors after 7pm.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Okay forget bout the last post, I dont feel like continuing.
Back track!! haahs.
Had an awful National Day working. Argh. For once in my 20yrs of life. I missed the fireworks..hahas. Oh well, it's okay :) I hope they have the firworks festival this year.
Went out ytd to TOWN! woot! long time since I went ORCHARD! lol.
Big O and Image 2001. Everyone has been telling me the same stuff, "MIA" well, I'm not really missing in action though, just that I seldom go online, spent most of the time watching Dvd at home and work. I guess I kinda lost touch with my sch stuff man.This one week "holidays" was supposedly "study week" but I spent it otherwise.
So happily I've missed
-Gone Shopping..
Too many to list out. ARGH. Forget it. I'll just catch it on DVD.
I'm still waiting for the VIVO outing. I'm turning into a turtle, REAL SOON.
So it's Saturday alr, work tomorrow and MONDAY, back to basics. :( I'm dreading school, more and more. MOTIVATION! please struck me once again.
I need some IKEA madness, lol.
TO HARRY, I love you!!! lol!!!!! ;)
Upcoming movies..
-knocked up
-Rush Hour 3
-The Godfather.

hmmm, wads the pinyi fer "laugh" in hokkien?
hahahs.. oh well, is it qiou?
argh! i cant figure out man, losing touch
well, it's extremely funny.
Back track!! haahs.
Had an awful National Day working. Argh. For once in my 20yrs of life. I missed the fireworks..hahas. Oh well, it's okay :) I hope they have the firworks festival this year.
Went out ytd to TOWN! woot! long time since I went ORCHARD! lol.
Big O and Image 2001. Everyone has been telling me the same stuff, "MIA" well, I'm not really missing in action though, just that I seldom go online, spent most of the time watching Dvd at home and work. I guess I kinda lost touch with my sch stuff man.This one week "holidays" was supposedly "study week" but I spent it otherwise.
So happily I've missed
-Gone Shopping..
Too many to list out. ARGH. Forget it. I'll just catch it on DVD.
I'm still waiting for the VIVO outing. I'm turning into a turtle, REAL SOON.
So it's Saturday alr, work tomorrow and MONDAY, back to basics. :( I'm dreading school, more and more. MOTIVATION! please struck me once again.
I need some IKEA madness, lol.
TO HARRY, I love you!!! lol!!!!! ;)
Upcoming movies..
-knocked up
-Rush Hour 3
-The Godfather.

hmmm, wads the pinyi fer "laugh" in hokkien?
hahahs.. oh well, is it qiou?
argh! i cant figure out man, losing touch
well, it's extremely funny.
Thursday, August 09, 2007's one people one nation one Singapore. LOLs.
That's the way that we will be..forever more? OMG. lol I dont wana be like this forever!
Had this extremely weird dream, lol I guess it's just too much of it that I'm actually dreaming about it.LOL.OMG.
Wore my grey contacts to work yesterday, loads of problem, lol I guess I'm not wearing it today.
Shall continue later when I get home..
That's the way that we will be..forever more? OMG. lol I dont wana be like this forever!
Had this extremely weird dream, lol I guess it's just too much of it that I'm actually dreaming about it.LOL.OMG.
Wore my grey contacts to work yesterday, loads of problem, lol I guess I'm not wearing it today.
Shall continue later when I get home..
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Friday, August 03, 2007
I'm tired! yet I cant fall back to my dreamland, resulting in me sitting in the darkness in front of my computer.
Haiss, oh well. I've got a new phone! Z240 white in colour, it's a Samsung flip phone. Nice =)
But it seems like the battery life seems to die off easily, or simply cus I cant get my hands off it? =x
Anyway, it's only day 2 of work, 3 more days to go. People been asking me out, yet I just got to turn you guys down. Sorry people, Jo's got a tight schedule this week. Killing herself by the days, LOL.
In total Cliniques' giving me 15 days of schedule.I hope I'm able to HIT sales.
Fraggy is celebrating her 21st birthday next Sunday, not sure if I'm able to make it, cus I'm working but morning shift, see how it goes girl.Let ya noe asap.
I see Saturday coming and I kinda dread it alot!.. It's the longest shift I ultimately will try to avoid. [ 2-10pm ] *Cries*
Hahas, okay, it's still the same 8 hours time slot.Just that I start later and end later. And today I made a list of stuff I wana do when I get my pay hehe. =))
1.Do something to my damaged hair. [ Less than $200 ]
2.See the dentist bout my toothache. [ Less than $50 ]
3.Watch MOVIES - Simpson =( [ I wonder ]
4.New top/dress
I hope I dont overspend, there's nothing much I wana get this month. Maybe the " something to my damaged hair" might cost A BOMB.
Basically, it's misses.
Happy Birthday HOCK WEE! it's your BIRTHDAY! wah!
Haiss, oh well. I've got a new phone! Z240 white in colour, it's a Samsung flip phone. Nice =)
But it seems like the battery life seems to die off easily, or simply cus I cant get my hands off it? =x
Anyway, it's only day 2 of work, 3 more days to go. People been asking me out, yet I just got to turn you guys down. Sorry people, Jo's got a tight schedule this week. Killing herself by the days, LOL.
In total Cliniques' giving me 15 days of schedule.I hope I'm able to HIT sales.
Fraggy is celebrating her 21st birthday next Sunday, not sure if I'm able to make it, cus I'm working but morning shift, see how it goes girl.Let ya noe asap.
I see Saturday coming and I kinda dread it alot!.. It's the longest shift I ultimately will try to avoid. [ 2-10pm ] *Cries*
Hahas, okay, it's still the same 8 hours time slot.Just that I start later and end later. And today I made a list of stuff I wana do when I get my pay hehe. =))
1.Do something to my damaged hair. [ Less than $200 ]
2.See the dentist bout my toothache. [ Less than $50 ]
3.Watch MOVIES - Simpson =( [ I wonder ]
4.New top/dress
I hope I dont overspend, there's nothing much I wana get this month. Maybe the " something to my damaged hair" might cost A BOMB.
Basically, it's misses.
Happy Birthday HOCK WEE! it's your BIRTHDAY! wah!
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Happy 20th Birthday Ms Lavender Seow!! =))
It was a bad day to start of with, my taxation killed me. I gave it up.
It feels like crap, but I only got myself to blame for procrastinating. Resulting in such undesired grades which I expect myself to get for sure. Sorry guys, I didnt meant to do that.
After the paper, I went home to get ready for the night.
As per usual, I was late..hahas. But I was the second to arrive lol!
Lily was the earliest but she had weijie to company her, so sweet of them.
It's like a group date today, besides celebrating Fang's birthday. Hahas, everyone turned up with their other half cept for me and tuang, was trying to keep myself busy taking pictures for them, else I feel so out of place. Everyone was there today-Cactus & Jun, Sheryl & her bf, Fang & ZF, Lily & Weijie, Me & Tuang. hahas.Well we headed to "Blue Jazs" a semi restaurant/pub. Very cosy environment, which I LOVE alot. Just that the mood I was in today was slightly off. In a way I felt envious for all of them. Suddenly I felt a little inferior cus I'm an ITE student, so out of place suddenly, but I know they dont ostracise me, just that I'm thinking too much, nothing kept me occupied, so I was a little drifting. Skipped dinner as I was afraid I'll get diarrhea. So I shared the mushroom soup with tuang as she's unwell too-food poisoning.
We took loads of pictures, and got Fang a brownie with ice-cream cake =)
We went upstairs thereafter for some drinking session, but I wasnt drinking.Ha, for the first time.
I took their camera and start taking candid shots for them,'s nice just chilling out..
and NANA! went uber HIGH! lol..
Pictures waiting to be uploaded..
Now I'm that much stronger.
It was a bad day to start of with, my taxation killed me. I gave it up.
It feels like crap, but I only got myself to blame for procrastinating. Resulting in such undesired grades which I expect myself to get for sure. Sorry guys, I didnt meant to do that.
After the paper, I went home to get ready for the night.
As per usual, I was late..hahas. But I was the second to arrive lol!
Lily was the earliest but she had weijie to company her, so sweet of them.
It's like a group date today, besides celebrating Fang's birthday. Hahas, everyone turned up with their other half cept for me and tuang, was trying to keep myself busy taking pictures for them, else I feel so out of place. Everyone was there today-Cactus & Jun, Sheryl & her bf, Fang & ZF, Lily & Weijie, Me & Tuang. hahas.Well we headed to "Blue Jazs" a semi restaurant/pub. Very cosy environment, which I LOVE alot. Just that the mood I was in today was slightly off. In a way I felt envious for all of them. Suddenly I felt a little inferior cus I'm an ITE student, so out of place suddenly, but I know they dont ostracise me, just that I'm thinking too much, nothing kept me occupied, so I was a little drifting. Skipped dinner as I was afraid I'll get diarrhea. So I shared the mushroom soup with tuang as she's unwell too-food poisoning.
We took loads of pictures, and got Fang a brownie with ice-cream cake =)
We went upstairs thereafter for some drinking session, but I wasnt drinking.Ha, for the first time.
I took their camera and start taking candid shots for them,'s nice just chilling out..
and NANA! went uber HIGH! lol..
Pictures waiting to be uploaded..
Now I'm that much stronger.
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