Thursday, August 30, 2007


Hi! I'm back =) I simply didnt left the computer after blogging, instead I went ahead with changing the blog's template hmmm blog hopped, hmmm, read my past entries. I feel like deleting my past entries. It makes me think alot. So much, too much. People might had moved on faster than I know it. And everytime I hit my 2006 entries, I'm stuck again. Not as if things will go back the way it is.

No Im not being emo here. Nope. Not at all.
People are talking bout musics/songs that held great memories. Be it with someone you love, someone who have just left you, someone/something/some fateful events. It just makes you repeat that song over and over again.Ha!
Currently the song " Dying inside to Hold You" is playing in my head. Ha! Is it the title anyway? hahas.
Followed by " What Hurts The Most "
Meeting Van at 2 later, heading down to the library to study. Yeap. I wanna be there to MUG HARD man.
I guess in total there will be 3 entries today. Hahas, another one would be after the mugging session.

Aite, gotta go prepare.

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