Wednesday, December 08, 2010

serve the consequences

Being complacent, living the days of "I'll do it tomorrow", seriously, for the convenience of now that you leave things till the day after tomorrow, and end up having difficulties later on. Sadly, as much as I hate this, I'm actually one of the culprits, making things so inconvenient. Small little things like, dropping of MCs that could have been done like early in the morning just now, rather than having to wait till after lunch to head back to office to do it, just these small little things, whereby I could have just be a little more hardworking and head up to office from work yesterday. I'm outright lazy.

I never liked going to the office, cus I sense the aura, hahah I mean it's like when you're in school, would you like to go into the principal office as and when?.. I have those kind of fear whenever I have to step into the office. I make sure that if I were to go in, I'll just do my stuff, chop chop and leave. It's just me.

So after ranting here, I'll go prepare then head out to office and slowly make my way down town. See the inconvenice done Joanne..TSK. =(


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