Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Thanks for the feedback

When it happened?, I've not a clue. It's been going downhill since then. The more I tried to be cool about it, the more it got worse. Everyone has their own point of view, so if you're unhappy about the thoughts of others, you can just jolly well not view anything that links to them.
You can simply delete the person. Save the trouble. Do yourself a favour there. Simple as that.

Maybe cus there's some injustice along the line that a ITE graduate like me draws home a relatively higher pay. Am I very proud of that? Have I thrown money at your face, or made fun of you in any ways before? Calling me names like domestic servants/ glorified high flying cleaners. Call me names, just because you ASSUME that people looked down on you. If you have something that you're unhappy about, you can trash it out. In my face.

So do you feel great now making fun of people/ me? what have you gain from it? does it feed your ego now? do you feel like a better man now?

Seriously, it hurts alot. I hope this makes you feel damn superb and up there.
To come to this level, to make fun of me. Do you feel elated? On top of the world? Why go through so much just to make fun of me?

The reason why I wrote this entry, yes, I am affected. And yes, I'm finally reacting. Yes, you're making me feel like shit.Yes, you've got better brains than me, yes you're a graduate that can draw much higher pay than me, yes you can get your own transport, and then? what's next?

All these assumptions, I dare you to speak to me in my face. Since you're seeking revenge, why not do it straight into my face?. Hurt me and see me cry, won't it make you feel better?

1 comment:

-LoveStory- said...

Those that talk down to uu are just trying to walk tall by making uu feel small. besides, life is too short to be wasted on the wrong ones. instead, place your time and energy on someone who will add sunshine to your life. :)