Finally I've got the pictures! woot! =)
Pictures from Eski Bar, like so long ago..hahas..
Had alot of fun killing ourselves in the cold room..hahas.
I wana have more fun!!!!!!! =))
A long day at work today, but Im a happy girl =))
Had ToriQ for lunch today =) hmmm, hadnt hit target though.
But oh wells =))
What's the catch phrase for MacDonalds?
What's the catch phrase for Nike?
What's the catch phrase for Addidas?
Hahas, I was totally lost for answers! lol..
It's gonna be a long week for me.
Will be working 5 days this week. Off on Thurs and Fri.
mmm, just finished "fried fish soup" =)
I'm so FAT now.. Alright people are sick of hearing me whine about this to the extend of ignoring me alr..hahas..
Went over to Van's place yesterday for her birthday celebration..hahas, she was very busy yesterday, hahas..I felt like helping but like not sure where to start so I just do my best- I help them refill their drinks..lol..brought Joleen along with me, hahas..she had so much fun! and she didnt wana leave! hahas, idiot.. ohyea! I had BAILEYS!!! NICE!! but not as sweet as the other time I drank it, hmmm..but NICE! hahas..
there was green bean durain dessert, very unique. =) Oh ya! Van's grandparents are very cute I must say. Hahas, if only my grandfather was still around..but hais, I was never a good grand-daughter, I never did my part as one, even when he was in the old folks home, I never looked him up. He doted on me the most when I was young.Sorry gong gong. Now I try to make time for my grandmother, but I dont think Im doing enough either, everyone doted on me alot, but I never cherished. Never. I remembered ah mah was very mad at me when I told her I wanna stay with my mum and not stay with her anymore, she was heartbroken.
I still feel bad about it, after so many years, a good whole 10 years..
Nothing much to say now..
bIRTHDAY wishes to
-ang lin lin ADELINE!! [ meet up when I get pay!! ]
-Vanessa Leo Ming Xue!!
Big 2!! hahas, girls may good fortunes come along your way!!! =) hmmm, I suck at birthday wishes, lol..
hmmm, hahas, for Ade yea may you find a good husband who loves you and may you stirke 4D!! lol!!!!
As for Van..XING FU MEI MAN!!!! =))
To Audrey girl..
Alrights..I heading to bed..
Nites people =)
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