Saturday, September 04, 2010


HELP!!!!!! I'm only half-way through my assignments. Been too distracted with EVERYTHING. Be it food, tv, music,toilet,food, and MORE FOOD. hahahaha. UGH!!!! HEN FAN ARRR!!!!!!

Side track..
Where can I get my hands on a horoscope gadget .. hmm =)
counting down makes me so excited. The days are getting so much nearer each day. =) Can the time zoom faster this time round?. I'll be more than glad to COMPLY!.

Been having insomnia lately, besides that 15hours of sleep I had the other day, the rest of the time I'm tossing and turning SO SO MUCH! thinking of so many things. What I want to eat when bi's back, where to bring me, the big BEAR HUG!, hahas, soft and comfortable comforter..pillows!! and so much more..I'm gonna make him my butler when he comes back. muahaha. Can the days get FASTER PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!!!! can't wait.

I've never longed for someone so so long before. 4 freaking gawd damn months. So much sufferings, longings, missings, laughters, cryings..MY GAWD CRYINGS. hahaha, I still remember that fateful night, when I hugged him and cried so bad. But it's okay, after so much that has happened, I have no other thoughts but to see him real in front of me. I'll see you soon..

Many chances slipped from me from time to time, it's either "chi yi bu" or feelings were never said. I hope I do learnt from these lessons, and that I should learn to grasp them from now on.
Lighting doesn't hit the same place twice.

Living life in my own colourful ways.. I have so much random thoughts in my head. Thinking of it makes me smile so foolishly to myself. It's a beautiful Saturday (:




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