Thursday, November 30, 2006
Bad move I guess?..I had headche,DUMB! haha..
Hmmm, it's like I've not been training much for quite sometime now.
Maybe it's time to slowly pace back my stamina.
In a way, it made me tire myself out. =)
I've too much unnecessary thoughts on my mind.
It's so difficult to understand.
And it's not easy to figure out.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Now that i've sort of cleared my presentations, up next will be "ROLEPLAY" argh!..
Yes, it's once again another roleplay =( *CRIES*
This time round,it's not giving us any ample time for us to complete as the assignment is only given like today..ARGH.
Shall return to revise my IAC..
Sunday, November 26, 2006

Sometimes I just hate it being left feeling like this.
Oh well, went out to study with the girls today, woot a very strict day today I must say. I was strict with myself, made sure I was focus and studying, and I was. But it only lasted for a while, and I started my nonsense..hahas..
Went to the toilet, walked around, went to shop a lil, hmm..
I just kept reminding myself to do well for this upcoming test, kept reminding myself what I want my future to be like, hmmm, if I'm thinkin bout that while i'm studyin, hmmm, am I studying?
Okay, i'm just bored at home right now, downright bored. ARGH.. =(
It was nice to meet up with Eve,Shirl,and ps..=)
Eve and Shirleen was so serious, I just kept myself focus and no fooling around.
So i guess it's considered a fruitful day today?..just that not much pictures taken..aaahhh..hahas..nvm..there'll always be time for next time!!! =))
Shall upload the pics soon.. =)
Will be meeting sec sch girlfriends for mugging session, WOOT` =)
There will be a newcomer, shirleen (eve's buddy) WOOT`
I'm goin out tmr!! hahas, after one long day at home, boring myself to death, I guess i just needa get out.
Currently missing my monster soooo much =( *cries*
Dear i miss you =(
hmmm, I have so manythings on my mind,
Oh ya!..sorry felicia I cant turn up for your celebration today..
Sorry sherry I turn u down too..=(
Omg..seriously i feel real bad, it's like I've turn down Sherry plenty of times =( dammit..
and fer Catherine, i didnt turn up for work..aargh..
Weekends are gonna be over soon..aaahhhh!!!!
Save me from the boredom, need to keep oneself hyper and active..hmm..are they both the same meaning?..hahas..
Oh wells..
My head is starting its random beats once again, better rest soon.
Nites people =)
Friday, November 24, 2006
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
Neither had I king horses or any kingsmen. Hahas..
I only had 4 angels and not forgetting my Darling Daryl.
I fell in my own toilet!! my own, HOME toilet.
The floor was real slippery, one foot in and I just slipped and fell hitting the back of my head against the hmmm was it the tile or the metal?..
Everything happen within a few seconds and I'm down, flat on the floor.
The pain was extreme, i held on to the back of my head.
When I've finally settled myself lying downwards on my sofa, I took off my hands to realise that my hand was filled with blood.
But nothing much happened. It was only a small cut, and a few bruises here and there.
Thankew my sisters "jo's", Pei shi ( my personal nurse ), Van and of cus Dear =)
im fine =)
My mum just helped me clean my wound was painful, feeling slight pain and headache.
Oh wells, shall turn in now, tired.
Working at 10 tmr.
i so happened to pass this person's blog, and im tryin out the quiz now since i needa do smth to make myself feel sleepy.
What i'll answer when people ask me these questions:
me: cus I'm like that?
me:then how?
Okay its a little stupid I shall nt continue with the quiz..her last part of her entry was..
love dont mean changing who you are to be
who somebody wants you to be.
nobody got to belong to nobody's.
Reached home alr?..
Don't know what I'm thinking about now.
Quite a number of our classmates still online, all rushing project.
I'll go do mine too since I cant sleep.
Im back again.
I seriously cant get back to sleep.
ARGH. =(
Some random thoughts on my mind.
im still hanging arpund cant get to sleep.I went bloghopping, was stuck with Dar's blog. From his past entries till his current. I miss the "honeymoon period". The times when we were so sweet to each other.The first time he waited for me below my block to give me a "flower" =) He thought I dont feel surprused or anything, actually I was just that I didn't show it. I was just too surpried.
Few months back we were like missing each other so much, meeting almost every night below my block, now it's like everything has died down.
The randoms thoughts in my mind. Is it more interesting to be mysterious to others so that they don't know what ur're thinking and they want to know you better, spend more time with you?..just like our starting, I miss the beginning. That's only like the first phase of our relationship, there is still a long way to go.
Now it's only the second phase we're going through, he is going to be real busy with schoolwork, I'll try my best not to irritate you.
Sorry means nothing much, maybe once or twice, but it has happened more than those few times. Everytime I get into shit I apologise, now the "Sorry" means nothing, don't give a damn. Dear's very stress with his schoolwork. So am I with mine. I hope things don't turn drastic, we were so pist with each other that the bomb was nearly dropped once again. ARGH.
Now it's 5am already, and i've yet to get some sleep still. =(
I need you.
Will all these go to a waste eventually?..when was the last time we had a heart to heart talk,
I miss lying on ur chest and talking about us.
I miss having shopping with ya.
I miss the messages you used to send me.
I miss having fun at Toy R Us.
I miss you hugging me.
I miss just having you beside me.
I miss you.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Bad Day
I've screwed up my BCM.
Didnt called BF after I've finished school, went down to Bugis to pass Kenneth the CD instead.
Maybe its due to the hectic workload.
It's like it will just happen anytime.No longer able to be able to put up with it.
Kept silence,
Wish I could just turn back time.
argh, hate presentations

Thought my days of staying up late to complete the presentation slides had paid off.
But it's still not up to Ms Chan's standard. Now she tells me my focus is a little wrong.
I've had enough, I'm not gonna edit any further. =(
Met up with SH,her bf,YL,JKSS last night and we went to the Khaki Bukit CC and ktv-ed the night away.hahas.
Bought SH two small slices of cake from Galilee.I use the excuse of meeting Daryl, LOL
Left early and reached home around 11plus 12? I had to catch the last bus and return home to help dear burn the CD he needs.
My dark circles are coming out and there are visible zits on my forehead, aarrgghhhhh
Took come snap shots when I got home, my phone's camera was real lousy, the quality for camera is still my K750i instead of Z610i.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Load off me =)

Finally!!! Finally the paper is over!! =) but =( BFS is coming up and I've got in total 2 presentations for tomorrow..urgh..
I've just completed 2 of my presentations, I can sing to my heart content tonight =)
Kinda lazy to blog further, shall upload pics hahas..
The coffee was disgusting *yuckks*
It's time for EXAM!! urghh
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Well, I just manage to complete my presentation slide for my BFS, which is like happening today ( 21 Nov 06 ) at 2pm!..argh..well, this time round my slides werent done with much effort. Disappointed with it. Yet, I'm not going to do something to it. There's too much information that I've come to realise that I've missed out only- NOW.
My topic is on "Credit Cards", I know it sounds simple. But seems like I'm just not putting in enough effort. After today, I still have BCM presentations on Wednesday. ARGH, everythings too last minute to be completed now. I wonder how bf can complete it last minute?..=(
Not only do we have presentations on Wednesday, we also have our IAC exams as well. DOUBLE STRESS!!! =(
Okay,enough about school work.
Met up with Bf just now, had dinner =)
Kenneth came to meet us, chatted and stuff, well got a little, just a little bored when their convo was on games, which I am alien to. Oh well, therefore I took Bf's phone and "Spot-Check" I guess that wasn't a pleasant move. I felt the pang of jealousy hitting on the door to my head, but I just ignored the knocking, and calmed myself down.
The feeling soon subsided, I kept telling myself inside that I should trust him.So yeap.
Mas came after and we headed down to JKY. Was speeding on the expressway, and the cool breeze made me shiver, hahas..
Argh, holidays!! when are you comin?!! please come soon?!!! =(
Everythings gonna be alright,
Everythings gonna be okay.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Welcome to the black parade
Went out to study with SH ytd, well, im still stuck with quest 3 & 4.
Slacked till the wee hours, met up with 2 other of our frens, slacked and crapped the night away.
One of my fren was having CHICKEN POX!!..i was so afraid that i might catch the virus, at first we wanted to catch a movie, but nahhs, by the time the my fren came it was already too late to catch any movies.
Therefore we ended up in Macs.
Went gym before meeting them, had fun tryin out almost all of the machines besides the weights.
The culprits involved were, nysha,von, aud and me.
There were this group of girls, me and Aud were on the treadmill, and i felt weird that this particular 2 girls were standin behind, I thought they were waiting for their turn to use the treadmill. But actually they were being childish?.. Well, kids this days.
Some random thoughts on my mind.
I need to talk to someone but who?..
Its a whole new matter all together.
I can't cope with this.
This is not my life anymore.
I just wish that nothing happens to my family.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
joanne's BACK!
Problems resolved. Friends constant advises and all..Thanks alot ppl!
Especially, Yvonne,Audrey,Van,Dk and MY ever best listeners!! SHi Hui and PEi shi..
Thankew guys fer listenin to all my nonsense..
Things are going for another higher level,
It's just whether we'll be able to pull through or not.
Through these 4 days..
And what you had told me today.
I guess I'll learn to slowly let go.
I wont hold you down anymore.
Life gotta go on. Be it with or without you.
Love you =)
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Even I myself at times cant stand what Im doin.
The deadly question appeared in my mind.
As it ever happened before, Im afraid it'll happen on me.
Im sorry, but my unsensible ways are getting me all out.
I wanted to end stuff last night.
He told me to talk tomorrow.
I feel so lost. I know it's not his fault things has come to such an end.
I've grew toooo sensitive that Im no longer sensible to handle stuff.
I've become sensitive, unreasonable and worse of all, childish.
It's all so wrong.
Im sorry.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
I cant msg/call..I CANNOT DO ANYTHING....
I can only stare at my bloody phone and do nothing, maybe taking pictures..that's all..
Arghhh, hate this.
My phone just wont ring the whole day.
Hais, so now I know.
Im the one who always calls out or irritate people with my msgs..
I have not collected my pay at Aranda, hope I'll be able to wake up early tmr to go collect it.
My life now revolves only around-HOme,Work,School.
Never again..
It's very short =( I miss my long hair..
Met up with bf last night after work and he told me it doesn't look nice..=(
Was working yesterday, skipped school, was boring at work as per usual, did a delivery at Kim Chuan Rd..was damm creepy, as it was on the factory side, and it was a Singtel Bldg.
Rained heavily, was afraid that if I were to be caught in the rain, my head would be dripping with purplish-red water. hahas..Luckily I wasnt caught in it.
After went back to Tembeling, I guess I was feeling way tired. I started with all my nonsense.
As yong li had to go over to Springvale to collect the weighing machine and Kat gotta go over to Springvale to work. The shop was left with me and Kelvin.
I went to wash the dishes and the next thing heard were "enchanting melodies" LOL, in total I broke 3 glasses, or was it 4..hmmm..not long after Yufeng and Yong Li came back, and it was about time for me to leave, talked a little with them, about the ghostly encounters once again. Hah, it kept me awake,Ha! chit chatted.
I was blardy tired last night. The moment I've reached home, got my self changed and doze off soon after I've hit my bed. Woke up suddenly around 1.20am and called bf, he was still per usual..
Didnt chat much, just kept making fun of each other, so now I'm called tutrtle to him.
I cant be bothered to look into the mirror for a second look anymore.
Self-confidence another level down.
And I've not done my homework.
Not in the mood for it.Argh`
Gotta prepare for work soon, workin at 5 today at Suntec HD.
Drop by people,
I need another honeymoon period to tide over this.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Not sure what I'm tired with..
Dear been very busy lately, we chatted about our relationship..
There's stuff for me to chnage..
I'm not going to be that irritating to bf anymore..
Oh ya..went for highlight today.Now it looks better I guess?..hahas..
Went with Audrey..hahas..she had her golden highlight..was kinda obvious..
The whole session lasted about 4 hrs plus?..hahas..
We went TM to shop and had lunch..
No doubt it was rainin heavily, I still turned up for training.
Oh yupps, currently I wont be able to reply or make any outgoing call, temporary my line is cut off..but u guys can msg or call me..I'm still in a way, reachable..hahas..
Nothing much happened today..
I miss you.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Well, nothing much in school today, skipped BCM once again and accopmanied Audrey to Novena. I seriously think that "MC" is worse than my previous work place. They can actually delay so many staffsssss pays. Yes you heard me, not one not two but STAFFSSSSSSS, take note of the "s". But we left earlier, cus I went to meet bf.
Me and von left first, sorry Audrey..
We were suppose to just draw money and leave the mall..hahas..but we loitered around and ended up in Cold Storage.LOL
Von bought a whole spring chicken for her dinner, LOL and I bought Sushi, Choc & coffee biscuit and Ruffels for bf.
Eventually we took cab, hmmm, the driver was some wad scary..hahas..but i just ignored it.
Talked about loads of stuff while we were on the cab, hahas..
Well, perceptions of people..hahas..or rather we were doin the usual..GOSSIP hahaha..
It's nice just chit chatting, I miss my chit chatting sessions with all the girlfriends..hahas..People please meet up with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahas..Oh well, after dropping von off, she sent me a text msg warnin me of the driver, hahas..
Seriously speaking, the driver was kinda reckless.
He was constantly tail-gating other vehicles, that's scary..
Oh well but I reach bf's place safe and sound.
I wana know what you were thinking!! you only told me half and not the other!!..
I wanted to follow bf to the air-port but he refuse to let me do so..
So I was abandoned.LOL
I left for TM and shop ON MY OWN.
And witnessed another sad incident, a young girl's feet was trapped in the escalator towards the 4th level. It was a scene, with everyone crowding around and stuff, well, nonetheless, I was one of those suckers that wana know what happened. hahas..
But the resuce team came shortly and the girl was saved. Luckily it was only bad bruise and blood clot i guess?..I didn't had my specs on. LOL..
Oh well, my thoughts and feelings for the whole situation is that, SINGAPOREANS are defiantely KAYPOS, they form a crowd fast and disperse fast too..hahas..
But seriously, I guess there should be more precautions against escalator and stuff, to prevent any more harm done to anyone.
Bye for now,
Im gonna rest before heading back to study.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
attention NEEDED!!
Went out with bf today for a little shopping trip @ non other but our favourite Tmall.
Well the reason why we're there was to get a vball for my sis.
Arguments happened once again. =(
Well, but the bad aura is gone. We're fine again. hmmmmm..
My conclusion would be that, I shall never ask bf out anymore.
Hahas, I have my reason for that =p
We saw this girl and he thinks she's HOT okay, fine I agree.
Saw Allan and his gf while waiting for my monster to arrive.
Well, it was nice just to have bf around..BUT!!! I cant stand it when he wants to irritate me..
He carrying me today..LOL..I'm SHY!!! okay..and I was told to lose weight..argh..
Went down to try the vball with my sisters..LOL..
The ball was kinda HARD..but I guess it's okay..yeap..
Contradicting love..
Love grows when time gets by..
and my love for you is growing strong..
Orh oh..that is a bad sign..
Whenever I fall deeply in love..things gets bad..
I dont wish bad karma to happen all over again.
I love you..I hope your love for me is true too..
Went to work once again today,
was dead tired..
I missed you so much today..
and u gave me the cold shoulders..
And even to the extend of scolding me..
Saying that im irritating you..
Now that you have finally told me the truth..
I Love you!!!! ;) hahas..
Yes silly boy..I wana meet ya too..
Just cus u were asleep..that's why i didnt meet you..
U silly dumb MONSTER!!! hahas..
I love you =)
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Im left with 1/4 of my project before its done.*PUKES*
Argh, projects...they're just a BORE to me. Luckily im completing it soon.
Okay, I guess I'm not meeting him today.
Seems like, we've only met up like one day this week.
OKay. I miss him!!!!! =( oh well.
I better get back to my project, I needa puff!!! argh..
when the missing goes bad
was nice when u called me..but i didnt had the chance to talk to u..cus work was busy..
Guess u're mst likely sound asleep..
Didnt had much appetite at work today..
When i ate a little..i vomitted..urgh..
Guess was due to the night before..
I didnt eat anything almost the whole day..
Well..guess the gastirc is kicking up..
JH has FINALLY sent me the pics..
hahas..shall upload it mayb tmr or Sunday.
Friday, November 03, 2006
I dont wana whine to him or else he'll say im irritating him again.
I just dont seem to have any motivation to continue doing my project. I just feel so emo all of a sudden. He called me after i msged him =) but it lasted fer a while and my emo feeling is back to sit in and makin me feel so lonely all over once again.
People msged me early in the mornin today, let's see..
the classic one was by sh..her whole group of logistic people were out to Sentosa today and she jst wanted to show off that to me..well, I did felt a little jealous that's all! humph. hahas..
Nothing much for me to look forward to.
Maybe work, but I dread it, feel like skipping work but what you said to me still lingers in my mind, WARNING me..
I guess I'm just dumb.
When I got the attention, I ignored.
Now that I don't I feel like some sore loser.
DUMB it is, I wonder what's wrong with me with all these negative thinkings.
I hope it aint coming.
Oh ya, I've got to get my sis her vball soon..
Why would people continue to wait when they know that, the person they like/love has a bf/gf? i've got no idea, but it's said that it was worthwhile even though they know that the outcome in the end might not be what they expect.
That's so complex.
oh well'
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
I've got BFS oral presentation coming up and BCM co-currently too.
And now since I'm home. Finally sitting down to sit in front of the computer.
So I'll do some research and at the same time update my blog =)
I've learned how to put on make-up. Some say I look better, whereas for some they say I look better without it. Well, not really into it already.
Went to work Aranda on Monday, worked with Ade =))
The moment she saw me, she told me to cut off my hair.........argh, cus she said the condition was bad. =(
It's still best working with collegues u know.
Worked at Haagen Dazs ytd, fen came down she lost alot of weight, 47Kg sia. I think i wana go Vivo and torture myself and lose some weight. hahas..
And for today, =))
It's actually the 8th month of Dar and me =))
No doubt we don't really spend much time together. I guess understanding is needed here.
I Love You.