Sunday, November 28, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Now everything is piling up and I feel so sick and tired. I tell myself from time to time that I will be better. Who am I cheating? I'm in a big self-denial. I can't solve my own problem, I can't weigh my pros and cons what I want for myself. What have I been doing?
Down down down...
It seriously sucks to have the combo coming all at once, my nose is blocked and I cant breathe..there's nothing in my nose, no mucus or what not, so I couldn't clear it, it's just BLOCKED. So I have to sit upright. Then the headache is back again, I can feel my forehead reheat once again. Damnit. =( I feel damn sick and pist off. i can feel myself floating again. Which is equally irritating, cus that means I have no energy to walk around. =( AAAAAAARgh~
And my freaking throat is killing me!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! =(
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
My unique family traits
I was randomly blog hopping, so yea. Since it's been a while now since I've read her blog, I thought it's time for me to "invade" once again. I wonder if she reads mine, since mine is like so prominent. It's like on my favourites list. So yea, here goes. To my dear sissy, just to let you know, you have the biggest heart I've ever seen, as in always sparing a thought for others out there, unless on your lull period, where you get all cranked up and SELFISH. hahaas, ouhh well that I've got to understand cus that's what happens to me sometimes too, I guess in a way we're the same, we give when we can, and when we're running dry, we'll tend to me a little "stingy". Hmm, a good listener, always ready to lend a listening ear whenever possible, especially when I need one before I go to bed sometimes, just for me to whine my day away, or gossip bout that and what have a unique personality my dear sissy. Please don't look at yourself that way, you have a great personality, and your laughter is freaking contagious, cus when you laugh I can't see your eyes!! hahahaha. Though I love to attack your egos sometimes, cus I'm having that inferior thingy going on with myself too. So I'll tend to be a bully at home =) but you guys are catching up as well, bullying me, wearing my clothes and Im left with nothing nice to wear when I need to go out. Please arhhh!! dont treat me like that ehhhhhh... hahahs...
Hmmm, and for Joey.. though you're 9 years younger than me, at least Im proud to say that you know how to take care of yourself and behave like a young lady. Whereby we dont have to worry bout you getting astray and all. Though you get on my nerves most of the time, when you were younger, but no more for now, at least the 3 of us don't behave like enemies no more.
Im proud to have these 2 monsters as my sisters though they get on my nerves sometimes, but we've only got this chance in our lifetime to be sisters, this lifetime to make life difficult for each other, to share the sorrow, the joy and the laughters be it at our parents or anything else. Though we don't show it to our family members how much they matter, we show it in ways that we feel comfortable with. Like mum, shouting at the top of her voice whenever she's back home from work, I take that as a form of love from her to us, to show her utmost care and concern in the loudest way, and Dad, bringing back his smell from work, the sandwiches, his presence, his slamming of doors..LOL as a form of showing that he's these small little details, I believe every family has their own unique way of showing how their love for the family. My family does it the loud way, which I'll sometimes laugh to when I think about it.
It may be irritating when it happen there and then, but whenever the family gets to sit down and watch tv, someone bound to bring out these unique ways of us showing care and concern, and we'll all die laughing at our nonsense, trying to imitate one another and irritate the shit out of us.
here I am
I would say my day was well spent, screaming and what nots, at least it got my mind off stuffs. So happily after my flight, I rushed down to Bishan to meet the kahkis for our prawning session and fish spa. I thought I was going to be on time but apparently they were EARLY. So I've got to help them "PEK"/peel the shell of the prawns. GGGrr~
I was screaming so badly when we went for the fish spa, money well spent for them, to watch me in such a dire state. I was screaming at the top of my voice, I didn't care bout my image, luckily my vulgarities didn't come out but I was in a very state when I tried the fish spa, excuse me if you're laughing at me now, you should try it for yourself!! The fish are as long as your fingers and it's like a whole school of them will crowd rounnd your helpless pair of feet, there was a video when each of us place our feet in, but Im just too lazy to load that up, cus it'll take like donkey years to get loaded.
Then it was prawning session. Mw, caught the least for the day! lol. As per usual there will be someone to offer prawns to Fen, lucky woman, always attracting people.hahaha! Her bf will ban her from Bishan as well if he were to find out about this. LOL!!.. And as for myself, there were many times when my rod hit the "tiang" LOL!! wasn't on form today to catch the prawns, as I was feeling kind of tired from flight, and also not enough rest. I was pretty much drained out after the 30mins of fish spa, therefore I was a little retarded with my movements when it came to prawning. I wasn't my usual self, didn't help much when the fellas were "peng-ing"/BBQ-ing the prawns, I was literally standing there waiting for instructions for me to do things. Else I was like an obstruction.
Fen bought gong cha for all of us =) hehe, slurps!.. I was mad hungry by the time we finished prawning. And up till now, I still wouldn't allow myself to touch the prawn. So it's either fen or mw will have to help me get the prawn out of my hook when I were to catch one.
Okay, my entry is a little jumble up, maybe I'll do the editing the day after or something. It's a fun experience though, Bibi!! we shall go there again!!.. I wanna see how you handle the fish spa..LOL!!..
After which it was sinful dinner for us. We had katong laksa followed by dessert at Haagen Dazs Springvale. WOOT! Punch me in the eye man! FAT LIKE FARK!!!!
yes, I know here I am whining that Im fat and all and there I am happily gobbling down any kind of food within my range. I guess if I don't maintain my figure, my bf is gonna runaway. Im gonna weigh more than him very soon!!!! =(
Stupid mouth, mind over matter!!! mind over matter!!!!! I MUST TAHAN!!!! Cant fit into my clothes very soon!!!.. =( dont wanna be fat and even more ugly.. =(
LOSE WEIGHT I MUST!!!!!!!! GET LOST FROM FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
got to go catch some rest now, another long day tomorrow...
Monday, November 22, 2010
It kept my mind off stuffs, at least it didn't stick to me like glue anymore. Guess I didn't stretched enough that I'm feeling the cramps on my left calf.
It's nice jogging on your own pace, just the music the scenery and nothing on your mind.
Gonna go bathe now and then time to do my mask! (:
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Play around with words
Friday, November 19, 2010
A star for myself
Scars will remain as scars no matter how much you try to make it recover, once the fragile vase has been broken, no matter how much you try to piece it back, it will never look the same again. This applies to everything.
I lie awake at night, having those running thoughts flashbacks that hits me one by one. Life ain't like a whiteboard where things could be erased and forgotten.
The headache is ain't subsiding!! =(
Bought the star curlers and I love how the curls look there after.. =) but my ponytail is still too long for work, so I've still got to bun it up.. pfft`

What's wrong with me..
Rebound Headaches
These are headaches as a result of overuse of pain relieving medication. It is a vicious cycle as the sufferer tends to use analgesics in order to relieve the headache thereby perpetuating the pain. Other drugs like ergotamine which is used for migraines may also be responsible for rebound headaches.
Any chronic use of analgesics that is stopped for up to a week will often lead to improvment of the headache in a case of rebound headaches. The easy availability of OTC and scheduled analgesics plays a significant role in the increase of these type of headaches as the sufferer is often unable to understand the benefits of stopping analgesics or cannot tolerate the pain (headache) and has to use an analgesic."
I've just popped 2 pandol extra. The headache seems dull but can be irritating at it feels like it's getting more intense each time.. can these nonsense stop already.. =(
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
My bad habit
You're my bad habit sweets.. (:
Monday, November 15, 2010
simple dinner
Met up with fen earlier, and we had a shopping spree once again, as I was too hungry when I met her bout 6, we headed to provence to get my favourites =)) munching away happily..hahas..
Then we went cotton on, bought ourselves the same flats hehe and then we went crazy at Daiso. All in all I had 17 items of food and 1 pair of socks. LOL.
Mr Tan wasn't that happy bout me getting shoes again, so I gotta make sure I do wear those flats pretty often.. =p
Though we seldom meet up these days, the fellas are still as nonsense as ever, we all had our fair share of laughters =) It was nice catching up..
Not much pictures taken for tonight, not even a dual picture with Fen.. but it's the company that matters bahh.. =)
Now I know how it feels when there's no response..AT ALL.
blues NOT
Will be meeting up with the fellas for dinner at Vivo tonight, I miss tom yum madness!!! I was so happy I've manage to find people for dinner tonight, yeaayy!! =) but to my horror, I realise I can't have SEAFOOD?.. DAMN!!! and I'm still arranging dinner at Thai Express..FML TTM!!! I'll have to choose an alternative, seeing it not having it. UGH.
I miss those spicy shits, so so so so so much!!!
Im currently waiting for my hair to be set. I've bought a hair dye from Mustafa the other night with bi and Nel..I would say Mustafa looks nicer now? lol you've got to see it for yourself..back to the hair dye, as I'm sick of seeing those patchy colours on my hair and also the fact that I wanna do something to my hair for the longest time ever..and since I can't do bangs, then I thought an alternative would be to do a touch up for my hair DIY style. I wonder how horrible it'll look,hmm...eitherways since I'm already at my worst, I don't bother much bout the image no more. So be it if im UGLY. As long as Im happy with it, you have no say in MY LIFE.
19mins had past, another hmm 21 mins?.. I don't really know if time really works for such stuff but yea, I guess I'll just follow the typical kiasu style, the longer the better?.. hopefully I do see new colours? or at least no more patchy sights..
Ohh oh oh!! yea watch "Unstoppable" simple storyline but it's nice to watch on a night when you have nothing to do..
I've a list of shows that I've yet to watch and hopefully something happens..LOL!!
-Jackass 3D
-Paranormal Activity 2
-Due date
-Sex and the city 2
hmm yea the list goes on unending.. Im currently still on the drama : Hai pai tian xin..yea laugh at me, I know kinda back dated, but I have khaki to watch it with me, who is non other than Mr Collin Tan. LOL!! That show is silly enough to keep me this optimistic and saint, and the fact that he's there to watch it with me. It's the FIRST TIME my bf would sit and watch a drama with me.. and that's because he's a female trapped in a male's body. LOL!! this statement is quoted from him so yea..
Just so you know Mr Collin Tan,
you RAWK my world! =)
Monday blues..
The swelling has subsided, though it looks a little bruise on my face with that uglified greenish bruise there. I was glad my weekends was kept busied. At least Bi was there. Though there were really times when I felt like punching him straight in the nose, lol. But isn't it all bout the bittersweet that makes everything more memorable? that's to my own perception. Instead of losing weight, I've been happily gaining all the weight I could ever get. Instead of sticking to the soft food, porridge and what nots I chose hard solid food. Like really hard!. LOL that's the effect of not having proper meals for so long that now, after I've got rid of the wisdom tooth, I ate whatever I felt like eating, though it takes a longer time, I rather take solid food than stick to porridge cus Im really sick and tired of it.
Will be heading back to work like FINALLY. I do miss the work environment, and of cus the $$ flow.
There's still some other stuffs to be done to my tooth. =( REally, I feel pretty fked up. No more candies and all. Feel my pain and agony. =( I've still got one more tooth to pluck, one root canal and hopefully no more reactions from my other 2 more wisdom tooth. I'm still traumatized by the whole dental visit shit.
Love me at my worse or just STAY AWAY FROM ME.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Stay away
We attended Ai Ping's wedding dinner, she's looking at her best =) very sweet, she looked so gorgeous in her princess like gown and her custom sari. "Mums to be and the Dad next door.." so cute. hahas. There was 2 ongoing weddings, so cool. Ai Ping's and her sister-in-law, both held their weddings together, both ex flying crew.. awesome to the max. Pictures will be up later..
Bi, you took the trouble to rush and all just so to company me at the dinner, thankew so much, though at the expense of you being ku ni le.. made me laugh so much, thanks for being there for me.. (: sitting beside a monster me.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Aching mad
Made my way to the office this morning, arrived at the airport about 7:45am ain't I early or what.. hahas.. had a talk with my manager and saw some of my favourites =)
Feeling a little sick right now, gonna go rest some more.
Baby dearest I miss much.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Oh no..
FML, Im still in agony.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
I hope this is the last time I have to visit the dentist to get my wisdom tooth removed. There's just too much things going on at the same time that I actually feel traumatized by the whole process. The dentist didn't really make me feel any much better, after extracting the front part of my wisdom tooth, the dentist seems to be struggling alot and it kinda worries me. True enough, with all the chiseling and all going on, my root doesn't seem to budge. So she had to make me walk out of the room to the xray room with my bloody wound, I was freaking out pretty bad. After the Xray, I had the urge to just run away, run home or something but that didnt happen of course, I obediently returned back to the room to continue with the surgery, that 1 hour seems to be the longest time I've ever had to endure. It's even worse than my root canal. I was literally shivering all over, like how coco will react when she sees the groomer or the vet, that scene should be hilarious, I really don't know how to react. I wanted to laugh at myself, as in my body was literally shivering, not as if I did it on purpose or what, but yea it came naturally, not within my control. LOL.
I had running images in my head as I lay there waiting impatiently for everything to be over and done with. I was scared stiff when I hear the chisel sound thingy it was in my mouth for a good whole 5 mins? I was so afraid that it'll cut my mouth open, like those gore scenes in SAW, my imagination was running wild I tell you. Then I imagine myself in one of those jackass scenes, which I almost choked myself, as I was too engross with my imagination that I forgot to swallow/breathe.. how dumb is that..hahas..
Mum says my face doesn't look swollen, which I beg to differ. If she say my face not swollen, that means IM FAT!! freaking hell.
That's alot of shit I've gone through for today. But I manage to finish my big bowl of porridge, 2 packets of pineapple tart and small slices of pear. Hmm, Im having cravings for bubble tea!!! kaoz.. this is crazy..
I miss you baby..
I wanna laugh so hard but I can't!!! TMD!!!! TOINK!!!
Joleen just said something dumb. Italics ( Ee-TAR-Licks) HAHAHAHAHA!!!! freaking hell!!! I cant laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haahahahahaha.. SHIT!!!!! OUCHHHH MY JAW!!! they purposely sia!!!! now my mum wanna join in the fun and create nonsense to see me suffer...SSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BBBBBBAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!
Im glad the ache is gone for the time being after taking the painkillers. I'll have to head down to the doctor and then to the polyclinic to hopefully get my referral letter from the gp. So much to go through. K A R M A. This is the result. Geng too much mc's in the past, now that I have real cases I fear of taking mc. K A R M A!!!.. now it's time I suffer. Like suffer big time, called up Raffles hospital..they have standby dentist, that will cost me $500 just to activate him that doesn't include gst and consultation fees and what not. Then I called SGH, they have dentist available, and I'll just have to pay $90 flat rate for consultation, charges for the removal of wisdom tooth and what not have to base on dentist to access my situation before they can charge accordingly. Then nget was telling me there's such thing as getting the hospital to send the bill to my place as in to pay later, which apparently made me see a glimpse of light, but then again.. after checking, there's no such condition. SAD right.
So people out there, heed old people's for the rainy days. So that when such things happen, you won't have to bother bout money matters.
Is there any dentist that's running a charity drive or something, like helping the needys to pluck out their wisdom tooth?.. UGH.. how else shitty can things get for me?.. IM AT THE LOWEST PIT.
Some pictures to make your day..
Laugh at my FUGLINESS..

I was contemplating whether to cut bangs or not, and when I ask this question, bi will reply" Do you need me to show you how you look like with bangs?" then images of the bowl like fringe appears in my head, the hair that went wrong, so bad that it sticks to me like a nightmare from elm street. FUGLY was the only word which I consider appropriate.

I looked god damn fugly, like a drag in this picture. GOODNESS!! *smacks forehead*
That's some fugly pictures of me to entertain your day.
Back to my toothache. FML totally.
Something to distract me
Silver's really cute in this video, the both of them actually.. at least it made me smile..
In agony
I dont wish to take mc this is like the worse ever. To have all the nonsense all at once. It's like there's no quick relief for this. And this is it.
Monday, November 08, 2010
Though I've got a referral letter from my doctor, NDC will charge me under private which will cost up to 2K, and that for any other appointments with NDC in near future which I hope not, will be charged as private no subsidy no nothing. So I drop the idea of sending my referral letter from my company doctor. Now, I need to go to the polyclinic to see their dentist which is like..end of December for them to understand the situation before they can write a referral letter for me to make an appointment with NDC for wisdom tooth removal........
Is it so difficult to just write a referral letter for me so that I can make an appointment with NDC?..
FML TO THE MAX, now I can only rely on painkillers for god knows till when. The Xray I did is making me more worried. My wisdom tooth is growing horizontally, that's why my other tooth are feeling so much pain, so much so that Im running a temperature..
Any recommendations for extremely strong painkillers? apparently the panadol extra aint working for me.
Monday, November 01, 2010
It took me 1 hour to finish my bowl of shredded pork with mushroom rice. LOL thanks Fen for the, to watch the bo guay take her meals slow and steady. hahaha.
Now I've got 3 more wisdom tooth to go. Man, I wanna rid of all my agony. I look so rundown right now. So many red dots on my face, frizzy hair, bloated face and thunderous thighs. I'm looking at my WORST. Oh well..
Time to rest, feeling giddy already..