Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My unique family traits

See, when I cannot get back to sleep I would think of plenty of random what nots that keeps me so freaking active that I will tend to do a second entry like what Im doing right now. This is going out to my sis.

I was randomly blog hopping, so yea. Since it's been a while now since I've read her blog, I thought it's time for me to "invade" once again. I wonder if she reads mine, since mine is like so prominent. It's like on my favourites list. So yea, here goes. To my dear sissy, just to let you know, you have the biggest heart I've ever seen, as in always sparing a thought for others out there, unless on your lull period, where you get all cranked up and SELFISH. hahaas, ouhh well that I've got to understand cus that's what happens to me sometimes too, I guess in a way we're the same, we give when we can, and when we're running dry, we'll tend to me a little "stingy". Hmm, a good listener, always ready to lend a listening ear whenever possible, especially when I need one before I go to bed sometimes, just for me to whine my day away, or gossip bout that and what have a unique personality my dear sissy. Please don't look at yourself that way, you have a great personality, and your laughter is freaking contagious, cus when you laugh I can't see your eyes!! hahahaha. Though I love to attack your egos sometimes, cus I'm having that inferior thingy going on with myself too. So I'll tend to be a bully at home =) but you guys are catching up as well, bullying me, wearing my clothes and Im left with nothing nice to wear when I need to go out. Please arhhh!! dont treat me like that ehhhhhh... hahahs...

Hmmm, and for Joey.. though you're 9 years younger than me, at least Im proud to say that you know how to take care of yourself and behave like a young lady. Whereby we dont have to worry bout you getting astray and all. Though you get on my nerves most of the time, when you were younger, but no more for now, at least the 3 of us don't behave like enemies no more.

Im proud to have these 2 monsters as my sisters though they get on my nerves sometimes, but we've only got this chance in our lifetime to be sisters, this lifetime to make life difficult for each other, to share the sorrow, the joy and the laughters be it at our parents or anything else. Though we don't show it to our family members how much they matter, we show it in ways that we feel comfortable with. Like mum, shouting at the top of her voice whenever she's back home from work, I take that as a form of love from her to us, to show her utmost care and concern in the loudest way, and Dad, bringing back his smell from work, the sandwiches, his presence, his slamming of doors..LOL as a form of showing that he's these small little details, I believe every family has their own unique way of showing how their love for the family. My family does it the loud way, which I'll sometimes laugh to when I think about it.

It may be irritating when it happen there and then, but whenever the family gets to sit down and watch tv, someone bound to bring out these unique ways of us showing care and concern, and we'll all die laughing at our nonsense, trying to imitate one another and irritate the shit out of us.



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