Im glad the ache is gone for the time being after taking the painkillers. I'll have to head down to the doctor and then to the polyclinic to hopefully get my referral letter from the gp. So much to go through. K A R M A. This is the result. Geng too much mc's in the past, now that I have real cases I fear of taking mc. K A R M A!!!.. now it's time I suffer. Like suffer big time, called up Raffles hospital..they have standby dentist, that will cost me $500 just to activate him that doesn't include gst and consultation fees and what not. Then I called SGH, they have dentist available, and I'll just have to pay $90 flat rate for consultation, charges for the removal of wisdom tooth and what not have to base on dentist to access my situation before they can charge accordingly. Then nget was telling me there's such thing as getting the hospital to send the bill to my place as in to pay later, which apparently made me see a glimpse of light, but then again.. after checking, there's no such condition. SAD right.
So people out there, heed old people's for the rainy days. So that when such things happen, you won't have to bother bout money matters.
Is there any dentist that's running a charity drive or something, like helping the needys to pluck out their wisdom tooth?.. UGH.. how else shitty can things get for me?.. IM AT THE LOWEST PIT.
Some pictures to make your day..
Laugh at my FUGLINESS..

I was contemplating whether to cut bangs or not, and when I ask this question, bi will reply" Do you need me to show you how you look like with bangs?" then images of the bowl like fringe appears in my head, the hair that went wrong, so bad that it sticks to me like a nightmare from elm street. FUGLY was the only word which I consider appropriate.

I looked god damn fugly, like a drag in this picture. GOODNESS!! *smacks forehead*
That's some fugly pictures of me to entertain your day.
Back to my toothache. FML totally.
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