Updates on my daily life would be back on track I guess...
First and foremost, IM OFFICIALLY TEWNTY-ONE!! Legal!! hahas..looking forward to movies at Yang Ze, or something. Hahas, I dont know the actual spelling for that specific theatre. Well, Im just glad that people I've miss have turned up my celebration, a small one. Disappointed with some, but I shall keep the comments to myself. Im glad for those that turned up and made my day a better one. Thanks for all the wishes =) Special thanks to Pei Shi, Mantianal- Lily, Cactus, Kiku, Lavender, Sheryl, Jun, Dennis, Kelvin, Wei Jie, Feng Chang, SOP-Sherry, Nicole, Ying, Chantelle, Jason, Jeff, Nel ( Bday boy as well ), Mark, Reuben, Terrence, Cong, Lao Da, Collin,.. My ITE mates- Ah zek, Lion, F word, Handsome Ed, Minghan.. HD peeps-Andy,Ym,Daphne..5N2 gentlemen-Josh, Kenneth,JH,Nicolas,Willkie,Mas,Irvin.. Seniors-Cher, Kuan and post celebration by HD peeps-Fen,Ym,Andy,Hannah,Mingwei,Cecilia,Qiaofen,Clark thank you everyone, appreciate it alot, my family, Gynn and her bf, and most importantly Bi-Daryl.
Without his persistance, I wouldn't had initiated any birthday celebrations. Thank you so much bi. It ended off well..
Thank you my ladies for being with me the whole day..Mantianal. Sherry,Jason,Nicole and Jeff. Thank you so much..
And so, I've finally attended Midnight Mass, and finally gone down town to see the Christmas lightings.
This year came and gone so fast, I never caught a good glimpse of everything that past me.
I wish everyone best of health, happiness and fortune for the coming 2009.